Halloween special

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" Ooh! I'll be a Pumpkin!" Moomin rose his hand. "Snufkin, you can be a witch!"

" A wizard," he corrected.

" And what will I be?" Little My said. " I think I won't be needing a costume. I'm already dressed up."

" Really what are you dressing up as?" Moomin looked at Little My, trying to figure out what she was.

" Myself," she placed one hand on herself.

Snufkin chuckled. "I suppose that'll do. So everybody's ready for trick or treating?"

" What about me? Can I come with you?" Snork Maiden asked hopefully.

" You can be the princess," Moomin said. Little My frowned. "I don't see what's so scary bout' that," she said.

" Oh it doesn't need to be scary little My, what matters most is the experience," Snork Maiden pointed out and Snufkin nodded.


"Let's go there next," Little My pointed to a creepy building that made Moomin shiver. He knew it was a bad idea.

Before he knew it, Little My knocked on the door. No one answered, so they went in.

It looked as if the owner had been keeping the place clean and tidy. Shelves were dusted and the floor was kept well.

Moomin went around looking for the owner. He couldn't find him anywhere.

Moomin thought he heard something. He turned, but he didn't see anything.

He heard a familiar laugh, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

But they're nice people! Why are we doing this?

Moomin flinched at the words. He decided the house was haunted and told Snufkin about it. Snork Maiden look scared and said that she would never enter a creepy building ever again.

" Let's get out!" She hid behind Moomin. He told her it was going to be okay and caught up with Snufkin.

Snufkin wanted to investigate. Moomin didn't want to argue, so he followed Snufkin.

Snufkin heard a sound coming from behind the curtains. He immediately drew it. Little My laughed.

Moomin saw a girl in a pink dress and a bun. Next to her, was - wait, Too-ticky? The girl must be Mymble!

" Aww, we were found!" Mymble took Too-ticky's hand. "Let's scram."

"Wait!" Moomin said, but they were already gone.


" So, it was Mymble and Too-ticky all along huh?" Snufkin sat down on the grass.

" Too-ticky came back to apologize. She said Mymble was a bit excited, that's all."

Snufkin thought of something.

"Say, wanna go to that Halloween carnival those two people were talking about?"

" Should I ask Little My?"


"No?" Moomin tilted his head.

Snufkin put on his wizard hat. " Just you and me."

Moomin grinned. He put his pumpkin costume on and said," then let's go."

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