twelve - amnesia

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Luke's POV

Heart stops beating.

Uneasy breathing.

Running back and forth.

That's what I'm going through right now.

"Ashton call the ambulance, now!" I shouted at him as I cover up Jen's wrist temporarily not letting the blood drip. For now she's unconscious, I don't know why she is but all I need to do is take her to the hospital. Her cut was deep and probably it would be stitched up.

I wrap her body with my shirt and her shorts. I carry her and ran through the hallway with Calum following me and to the elevator. Why does this need to happen now? Why would they let it happen to her? It could've been a bad person but not her.

"Calum, text Ethan and say that we will be having our flight delayed." Calum nods and texted right away. As soon as the elevator opened, we run towards the lobby and outside we saw the ambulance and a few people, mostly our fans, looking at us. They put her in a stretcher and lets us to ride with her. And it was a good thing. As I sit down beside her still not letting go of her hand I whispered to her.

"Please wake up. I'm here for you boo." As if wishing she could hear me. I felt a pang in my stomach and feeling that it's all my fault, I shouldn't have pushed her on wearing the swimsuit. I sigh and put my hand over my face. And that I felt a light tap on my shoulder.


"Everything will be alright mate, I know it." He smiles and I smile back weakly not having much energy to do such things.

I got distracted when Calum's phone rang. I saw him picking it up and then handing it over me. Oh right, I forgot my phone at the hotel room.


"Hey Luke, it's Ethan. What happened? Why did your flight got delayed?"

"Something happened to Jen, she cut deeply and unconscious as of now. But don't worry we're in the ambulance now on our way to the hospital." I explain.

"What?! Okay, just make sure you keep an eye on her Luke. As her boyfriend I trust you alright?"

"Wait, how'd you know we're together?" I frowned a bit.

"It's all over the news bro."

"Does your parents know about us?" I asked a bit nervous.

"No. Don't worry I'll make sure that they won't know about it before you guys even get here." I half smiled.

"Thanks bro."

"No problem. Take care of my sister alright?"

"Will do. Bye." With that I hung up.

After a few turns around the block we arrived at the hospital, they rolled her down as we follow. They brought her to the emergency room and made us wait outside.

Just then a doctor came out of the room.

"Relative of Jen Evans?" I stand up and walk to him.

"Yes doctor?"

"Ms. Evans is currently having her wrists stitched and also she might wake up in a couple of hours after that."

"Will she be alright?"

"Yes. But we found out that she bumped her head on something and might make her have an amnesia. Which means she might forget some memories during her present time." I close my eyes and sighed heavily.

"Alright. Thanks doc." I smile and he leaves. My world feels like a mess, I sat backdown and placed my hand over my face.

"Calum. What have I done?" I groaned as he pats my back lightly.

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