Chapter 13

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Laura's P.O.V.

"Laura" Jordan waved a hand infront of my face, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Im sorry, I thought you would've known she was with me" I said, "Im gonna go" I said, turning around, he sighed and grabbed my arm, turning me to  face him.

"Sorry for blowing up like that, okay?" he said, softer.

"Okay" and I still turned around and left the house. When I got home, I didnt know what to do, all I could think about was: me and Jordan had our first fight.

I open my eyes to be blinded by sunlight, I groaned and rolled out of bed, crawling over to the window and shutting the curtain. I sigh with relief when I shut the curtain, crawling back into bed but then I realised, I have a morning shift! I got up, getting my work clothes out and going to the bathroom to have a shower.

When I had finished my shower, I left my hair wet and in its loose waves, putting my clothes on as quick has possible before bolting out the door.

Im ten minutes late by the time I arrive, Steve came rushing out the back door that leads to where the staff put all their stuff.

"Where have you been?!" he said, angry.

"I-I overslept" I stuttered.

"Dont let it happen again" he said in a warning tone before walking off. I grabbed my apron and struggled to tie it, but then I felt a pair of hands tie it for me.

"Thanks" I say to whoever was stood behind me, I turn around to reveal Luke, my smile turning into a frown, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check you were okay, since yesterday" he said meaning what happened yesterday when I had got up from his lap so fast.

"Im fine, but I dont see why you care so much" I said and walked behind the bar, hoping for some space between us.

"Laura, you know why I care" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well its always lies with you so u dont know anymore" I said flatly.

"Why do you do this?" he snapped,  "Why do you always push me away when im trying to make it up to you?" he asked.

"Its your fault" I said,  "Cause if you hadn't lied to me, I would still tust you and we would still be friends, but no,  you had to ruin that" I said, glaring at him. He was about to say something, but a voice behind me beat him to it.

"Hey!" the feminine voice said, I recognised it, it was Crystal.

"Crystal" I said flatly, "What a pleasant suprise" sarcasm full in my voice.

"Listen, im sorry for acting a little bitchy the other day, do you forgive me?" she asked, arms open, I nodded and wrapped my arms around her.

"I also wanted to tell you that im going to be working with you, same hours too" she smiled.

"Great" I said in fake excitement.

Luke's P.O.V.

I watched as Crystal hugged Laura and smirked behind her back, somethings up.

"I'm also going to be working with you, same hours too" Crystal said.

"Great" Laura said, I can tell that she wasnt excited at all.

"Crystal, can I talk to you for a second?" I put a fake smile on my face.

"Sure Lukey" she said, pinching ny cheek on her way over. I pulled her to where Laura couldnt hear our conversation and frowned, "What?" she snapped.

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