Chapter 20

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Laura's P.O.V.

Luke walks me up to his room and lays us down.

"I cant believe it Luke" i sobbed.

"Shh, dont cry" Luke coo'ed, pulling me closer to him and squeezing slightly, "I hate seeing you cry"

"Why do you do this to me?" i ask him, looking straight into his piercing blue eyes.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Why do you act so caring when im trying to be mad?" i chuckled, trying to get my mind off of it, "Why do you even pretend to care?" i asked a little sadder.

"Laura..." he trailed off and sighed, "Ive always cared" he said.

"Thats not true" i argued, thinking about how he had hurt me.

"How would you know if you've never let me explain?" he shot back and i instantly shut my mouth, what he said was true, ive never given him a chance to explain, just like Jordan did to me.

"Then tell me" i told him, his face lit up.

"Really?" he asked, hope in his voice.

"Yeah i mean, Abby hasnt stopped going on about it" i shrugged. And then he told me everything, and funny enough, i believed every word. He told me about Crystal and her plan, the fake relationship, everything. By the time he had finsihed, guilt washed over me.

"But i still dont get why she did it in the first place..." he trailed off, thinking. I knew exactly why she had done it.

"It all fits together now" i said, "Luke im so sorry" i apologised, wrapping my arms around his neck, huggin him tight. 

"I guess its partly my fault for not going after you right away" he sighed. Then i realised that me and Luke would still be together if i had let him explain, i ruined our relationship, the best relationship. But the question is, am i willing to leave Jordan for Luke? Am i ready to forgive and forget? Im also quite annoyed with myself, next time, im gonna shut my mouth and let the person explain before running away. I felt my eyelids get heavy and i was soon in a deep sleep.

I heard a scream causing me and Luke to jolt awake, and considering i was practically on top of him, i fell to the floor.

"What was that?" i as in concern, not even worried about my, possibly bruised, arse.

"I dunno" Luke said, getting up and offering me his hand, i take it and he hoists me up. We walk out into the hallway and see the door to Michael's room slightly open, light seeping through the tiny gap. Its about 4am. Luke walks ahead of me and heads straight into Michaels room, i hear Luke talking and then sobs. What? Is that Abby? I walk into the room and gasp, Michael was sat on the ground, his knees pulled to his chest, crying into them and a note in his hand, that Luke was currently reading.

Michael's P.O.V.

I was still led on the couch when i woke up, i got up and decided to go to my room. I went upstairs and flopped onto my bed, feeling something on my pillow. I put my hand out and grab it, it was a note. I switch the light on, squinting, then read it.

Dear MIchael, 

Im sorry, but i have gone, dont come and find me cause i dont want to be found. Im so sorry Michael , but i think its better this way.

From, Abby.

I red and re-read the note several times before tears buitl up in my eyes, before i could stop myself, i screamed. It felt like someone had come and ripped my heart out, but thats exactly what happened, Abby stole my heart and took it with her. I fell to the floor, clutching the note in my hand, as i cried into my knees.

"Michael, whats wrong?" Luke's voice said, i didnt even hear him come in, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, starting to read the note in my hands. Laura following shortly behind him, she gasped and came over to me.

"She's gone" i sobbed.

Laura's P.O.V.

All Michael kept saying was 'she's gone' over and over again. We managed to get him sat on the bed and a glass of water in his hand, but he was still crying his eyes out.

"Michael?" i called out, he looked at me, "If it makes you feel any happier, i think she still loves you" his face lit up but then a frown took over shortly after.

"That doesnt bring her back" he said, more tears leaving his eyes. I hate seeing him like this, he's usually the happy one who smiles even in a bad situation. Few minutes later, the rest of the boys come in with their bedheads.

"Whats going on?" Ashton yawned, rubbing his eye, but when he opens his eyes and takes in the sight infront of him, he runs to Michaels side. Also pushing me out of the way, "Michael, whats wrong mate?" Ashton asked, causing Michael to burst into tears and cry harder. Thanks Ashton.

"She's gone" he whimpered.

"What? Who?" Ashton asked and instead of Michael answering, i did.

"Abby" i said, grabbing the note that was on the bedside table, handing it to him, "Read this" i watched Ashton as he stood up and exited the room, coming back with his glasses on. Then he read it. When he had finished reading, his jaw dropped, then looked at MIchael with a sympathetic smile.

"Oh man, im sorry mate" Ashton said, rubbing circles on Michaels back.

It was now 6:30 am, im exhausted and Michael is still sniffling, he's not sobbing. Just stray tears would leave his eyes and sniffle. We were all sat in the living room, the boys trying to distract Michael while i was curled up on the couch, under a blanket. We were all trying not to remind or mention what happened, otherwise he would have a break down, again.

"Why dont you play FIFA?" i asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good, doesnt it Michael?" Luke asked him.


I was sat with my cousin Cody, his girlfriend had just dumped him. He was crying into a pillow because, to be honest, he was quite girly in his own way. He's not girly enough to call him gay though.

"Cody, please stop crying" i said, rubbing his back gently.

"It hurts" he mumbled.

"What would make you feel better?" i asked.

"FIFA" he smiled, the first one this morning.

"Lets play then" i said, setting it up for him and hand him his "lucky controller"

"Ha! Beat you!" Cody yelled, pointing at me and making an "L" with his hand.

"Yeah, yeah" i rolled my eyes.


"Yeah, actually it does" Michael nodded, grabbing a controller while they set up.

"Yes i won!" Michael jumped up, hugging Calum, who was on his team. Luke came over to me, sitting down and whispering.

"How'd you know that would work?" he asked, a smile on his face.

"I just did" i smirked.

"Oh wise one, please tell me your ways" Ashton said, kneeling infront of me, while the other two celebrated. Atleast Michael was smiling again.

" I dont tell my secrets to losers" i chuckled and he pouted. I was still kinda sad about Jordan but Michael was keeping my mind off of it with his problems...for now.

 A.N. Im sorry for not updating sooner, ive been ill and led in bed for the last three days :( Hope you enjoyed update! Dont forget to vote and comment xxx

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