Chapter 24

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Laura's P.O.V.

After a long explanation of what happened, all the boys cheer and congratulate Luke. On beating Jordan AND finally asking me out. They said, 'it was about time'

I was now sat on Luke's bed, phone in hand, looking at Abbys conatct. Ive tried calling her over five times now and i get no answer. I sighed frustrated, resting my elbow on my knee and my chin on my palm.

"Babe, its nice of you to try for Michael but you need rest" Luke said, sitting behind me on the bed. I rest my back against his chest.

"I know, i just hate seeing Michael like this" i admit.

"So do i" Luke admitted, i rested my head back and looked up at him.

"Why would she leave though?" i asked, "Its like one moment she's here and, poof! She's gone just like that" i whine. Luke smiled down at me while caressing my cheek.

"I know your worried, but we're got tour tomorrow and early, so please, get some sleep" he kissed my forehead and moved to the pillows, away from me and rested his head on the pillow while holding his arms out for me. I crawled into his arms and placed my phone on the nightstand, using Luke's strong arm has a pillow, my back facing him, he wrapped the other arm around my waist.

"Get up!" an unfamiliar voice yelled, banging on the door. When he didnt stop banging on the door, i picked my head up off of Luke's arm and looked at the door, as soon as the person stopped knocking on the door, i put my head back down on Luke's arm and closed my eyes. Until the door flew open, "Luke, get up! We've got to leave in exactly...half an hour!" the guy was wearing a suit and looked to be in his late thirties. Luke groaned but started to get up.

"No" i whined, "Stay for more sleep" i whispered and kept my death grip on his arm so he couldnt move, Luke sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder, half of his body on me.

"Laura, thats the tour manager" he whispered, my eyes widened, i quickly got up and got the outfit i had picked out, heading to the bathroom but the manager stopped me.

"Your must be Laura" the man smiled, "Luke practically begged me to bring you along after i said no to the guys" he chuckled, i smirked and looked back at Luke who was blushing.

"Oh, really" im so going to tease him about this.

"Now, im sorry but, go get ready, we're going to be late" the guy smiled and i nodded, heading to the bathroom. Once i was inside, i quickly grabbed the the sweatpants and white tank top, putting my hair into a ponytail. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible for the fourteen hour flight i was about to go on. Once i was done, i exited the bathroom and Luke was stood there all ready and dressed.

"Here" Luke passed me one of his black jumpers.

"Whats this for?" i asked. Im pretty sure that in America its quite hot.

"You'll see when we get to the airport" he said, i looked around for my stuff that was packed but it was no where in sight, "They already loaded our stuff into the car" Luke said as if reading my mind.

"Okay" i said and we made our way downstairs. There stood all three boys, ready to go.

"Lets go" the manager guy yelled from the doorway. We all exited and headed out to the black cars, they had tinted windows too. Luke grabbed my hand and brought us to one of the SUV's, i wondered why there were two, we only needed one for all of us. I opened the door and Michael was already sat in the seat right next to the one i was going to occupy, great! Because i really wanted to sit next to a grumpy Michael! Note the sarcasm. I slipped into the seat next to him, Michael didnt even look up. I ignored him and Luke climbed in behind me, then Calum and Ashton in the back. 

"Hey" i whispered to Michael once we started moving, he looked up and frowned. Wow, he must really miss and love Abby to be sulking like this. He looks awful and smells like alcohol and smoke, he cant go on stage like this!

"What" Michael snapped me out of my thoughts, i gave him a weak smile before placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I know its hard for you" i started, "But think of all your fans, you cant go out like this because your hurting" i told him, he looked away and shaking my hand off of his shoulder, "Even though you are hurting inside, you cant go out like this or it'll start some kind of rumour or i dont know" i chuckled, he sniffled and wiped his nose with his sleeve, i cringed.

"It just...hurts, i guess, that she would run away from me instead of just telling me herself that she's not interested anymore" he said and closed his eyes, and in that very moment i could see the pain and heartbrake he was going through.

"Dont think that, she loves you and im sure there was a reason why she left, i mean, think about it. She could've left for an emrgency and is busy right now, or a family problem" i said, trying to make him a little more happier.

"Listen, i appreciate you trying to cheer me up and everything but just, stop. I want to be left alone, i want to be by myself to grieve" he told me and i was taken aback by his sudden outburst, he then sighed and put his headphones in, turning the volume right up. I sighed and crossed my arms over me chest, Luke put an arm around me.

"Its okay, he didnt mean it in a mean way" Luke assured me, i rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine. 

"I know, its just killing me to know that one of my bestfriends are hurting" i told him, taking a glance at Michael. Who had his head resting against the window, watching the scenery go by. His hair was pushed under the hood of his jumper, he had bloodshot eyes(and i dont think its just from the crying) his eyes no longer have life in them, instead they are dull and dont even light up when you mention pizza to him anymore. He hasnt eaten in days, he smells(like i said before) but its a really bad stench, which obiously means he hasnt had a shower at all. Im just worried about him, he's not taking acre of himself.

"Im sure, once we do our first show he'll be fine" Luke assured me.

A.N. Hey guys! Poor Michael :'( How could Abby be such a bitch? Hope you enjoyed update, dont forget to vote and comment xx

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