Chapter 18

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"Laura please" she begged.

"No" I said firmly. By now, all the boys had left the building and it was just, me and Abby.

"Laura, I can explain why Luke is the way he is" she said louder, I shook ny head, now I was just wondering around the house not really knowing what to do.

"Abby, I know Luke" I snapped, "I dont want to hear it"

"But you can help him!" she yelled, frustrated.

"Nobody can help him, because he's..." I tried to think of a word, "He's Luke!" I yelled, now facing her fully.

"Just hear me out" she said calmer.

"Abby, I really dont wanna hear it" I said.

"Just give me two minutes" she held up to fingers.

"Go" I sighed, placing a hand on my hip.


"WE'RE BACK!" Michael yelled, "WITH PIZZA" he added, they've been gone for half an hour. Michael put the pizza down abd walked up to Abby, wrapping his arms around her. She shifted uncomfortably before pulling away and heading upstairs. Michael stood there dumbfounded, he gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged. Also looking confused. What was that about?

Pretty soon, we were all rushing around getting ready for the going away party. Luke had bought me a lovely dress, it was dark blue. It was tight but not too tight and was flowy from the waist down, it was lovely.

I was now stood infront of the mirror admiring the dress, I curled my hair on the ends so it looked naturally wavy even though it was naturally dead straight. I applied some mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes stand out more, I also put some lip gloss on to make my lips look glossy. I dont usually get dressed up like this but it's for a special occasion, I'd be going away for six months.

"You look beautiful" Calum said from behind me, I smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Everyone is waiting downstairs" he informed me, we headed downstairs where Abby and Michael were stood quite far apart. Michael looked upset and Abby looked guilty, had she done something wrong?

"Ready to go?" Abby said, we nodded. We headed outside and jumped into the car. I sat in between Michael and Abby, thats awkward. When we arrived, I hopped out of the car and saw Jordan, I smiled and walked up to him.

"Jordan, I'm really sorry, it wasnt what it sounded like" I told him honestly and his eyes softened when he noticed my glossy eyes.

"Lets just forget about it" he said, placing his hand on my lower back, leading me inside, "I dont want this to mess up our last night together"

"Laura!" Luke yelled, I turned around, "All the boys were wondering where you went, we want you to meet our families" he grinned.

"Lets go" I smiled, starting to follow Luke until Jordan pulled me back with his hand.

"Your going on tour with them?" he asked, jealousy written all over his features.

"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged, not really caring if he's jealous, he needs to het over it. Before he could answer me, I was already introducing myself to the boys families. When we had done saying our hello's to their families, we headed over to the bar getting a round of shots. I noticed Crystal had turned up with a guy ive never seen before.

"To America!" Michael hollered, holding his shot in the air.

"To America!" we all chorused after and downed our shots, I couldnt help but notice Jordan stood by himself, watching my every move, I returned my attention back to my friends and enjoyed myself. No way am I letting Jordan ruin this for me.

"You okay?" I asked Abby, noticing she wasnt drinking.

"Yeah, I just dont feel like drinking" she sighed, "Besides, I need to take care of Michael" she chuckled.

"I guess" I said, "C'mon, one drink isnt going to hurt" I urged.

"No Laura" she said.

"Suit yourself" I shrugged and noticed that Jordan was no longer watching me or standing where he previoulsy was.

"Laura!" a voice screames from behind me.

"Rose!" I said, hugging her tight, "I havent seen you in ages" I said, she nodded, frowning.

"Jordans been so miserable without you"  she sighed, I didn't say anything to that, I just tried to ignore it as Jordans mum came walking up to me.

"Hey Laura" she beamed.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Jordan told me what happened" she informed me.

"Oh" was all I said before I noticed Abby kissing Michael for dear life, then run out the door when he wasnt looking, "Ive gotta go, I'll be right back" I told them and followed Abby out the door. She was leaning against a wall, her back facing me.

"Yeah, I'll be there by tomorrow night" she said into the phone.

"Hows the little one?" she asked, followed by a sniffle.

"Im fine, seriously" she said, "I'll feel better when im over there" she sighed.

"Yeah, the taxi's here, bye" she said and climbed into the taxi that had just pulled up. I watched the taxi leave, wondering what she was planning.

"Laura, what are you doing out here?" Luke asked.

"Nothing" I waved him off, following back inside. I looked around for Michael, he was sat with Ashton laughing. I decided on telling him later and went back to the bar, ordering another drink.

(A.N. Okay so Laura didnt find out the truth....But she will soon, i promise! Hope u enjoyed, love u all! Dont forget to vote and comment!  xxxx)

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