Back in the past

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I put the last box down in my new apartment. I was just moving out of my mums house. I look around the apartment, filled with boxes, it was big though.

"Honey, is that all?" My mum asked, coming out of the bedroom, I nodded.

"Yeah, are you gonna help me unpack?" I asked her.

"Only if you want me to" she replied.

"Of course I do" I sighed, me and my mum had a close relationship but, me moving has caused a slight strain on it. Although she was happy for me, she was sad to see me go...again.

Me and my mum start with the boxes in the bedroom, most of them filled with my clothes, I open up one of the boxes and see something wrapped in newspaper on top of all the clothes. I grabbed it out of the box and unwrapped it, only for it to be shoved into the nearest bin, it was a picture of me and a guy that ruined my life when I was seventeen.

"What was that?" my mum asked while she held one of my shirts on a hanger.

"Er...nothing" I bit my lip, hoping that she wouldnt have a look for herself, but she did just that. She pulled it out and stared at it.

"Who's this?" she continued to stare at it, "Oh wait, isnt that, that boy that you fancied back in high school? Whats his name...?" she trailed off, trying to remember, "Luke, was it? Yes it was"

"Mum..." I trailed off, running a hand through my hair, "I never fancied him, I just...thought he was attractive" I said.

"Laura, you definitely fancied him" my mum narrowed her eyes at me, I ignored her and carried on unpacking, she soon dropped the subject, " your boyfriend, Jordan, moving in?"

"Why would you ask that?" I asked, confused.

"I was just wondering" she shrugged, now folding some clothes.

It took us nearly all day to finish up. But when I was done, just a few boxes still needing to unpack, I sighed with relief and plopped down in the arm chair, my mum huffs too, sitting on the sofa and wiping her forehead to rid of sweat. Tomorrow, I start my new job at a bar near by.

"Oh, that's Susan, I have to go sweety" my mum says after looking at her phone and reading, what I assumed, was a text. Susan being her neighbour/best friend.

I grab my phone and text Jordan, to let him know that he could come round. After I texted Jordan, I stood up and made myself a little snack, knowing that Jordan had already eaten.

Ten minutes later, Jordan arrives, I skipped to the door and yanked it open. There stood my boyfriend, he wore dark blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. His dark hair was pushed out of his eyes and into a nice quiff. I took him into an embrace and quickly pulled away, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside, excited for him to see my new home.

"What do you think?" I asked as he looks around the living room.

"I like it" Jordan smiled at me.

"Okay, so here we have the kitchen" I pointed to the kicthen, "Theres the bathroom and here's the bedroom" I announce, pulling him around the flat.

"Now...I like this room" he smirked, I turned away blushing, "Whats this?" he asks looking at a picture frame on my bedside table, my eyes widened. Its the picture of me and Luke, how did that even get there? I stood up, taking the picture and throwing it back in the bin.

"Its nothing" I said, "That picture was from when I was in high school" I explained.

"You looked so cute" Jordan coo'ed, I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up" I groaned, "Anyway, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked changing the subject.

"I dunno" he shrugged, we were stood awkwardly far apart. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he sets his hands on my waist. We kissed for a while but soon pulled away, deciding on watching a film.

Back in the past (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now