Chapter 32

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Laura's P.O.V.

As soon as the door was shut, I turned to the boys, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Michael then stood behind me, copying my actions.

"I believe you owe me an apology" I said, they all looked extremely guilty. In a flash, they were all on their knees infront of me, pouting their bottom lip and putting both their hands together in a begging gesture.

"We're sorry" they all chorused.

"Okay...I guess I have to forgive you" I said and they all smiled, Luke immediately engulfing me in a hug. Soon all the rest of the boys hugged me in a group hug.

After that, the guys decided to buy me food and hang out in the room. We were finishing The Fault In Our Stars, because it was rudely interrupted last time.

By the time it had finished, Luke had fallen asleep with his head on my lap as I played with his hair, Ashton had tear stained cheeks along with me and Michael, Calum was on his phone. And I still had tears running down my cheeks.

"That was so sad" I sobbed, Ashton and Michael nodding along with me. I yawned as all the boys stood up to.head to bed.

"Night Laura" they called just before entering their rooms. I started to poke Lukes cheek, he stirred but didnt wake.

"Luke" I called.

"Hm" he hummed in his sleep.

"Luke, time to get up" I said softly.

"Go away" he whined, covering his face.

"You can go to sleep in our own bed, let me go to mine" I snapped, he slowly lifted his head off me and stood up, stretching. I stood up and headed to my room, I felt Luke following behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked not even looking back as I reached my room.

"Cause I wanna cuddle with you" he said, I rolled  my eyes.

"Luke after what you did to me. Your punishment is sleeping in your own room without anyone to cuddle with" I told him.

"Please" he begged.

"No Luke" I said and entered my room, before I could close the door, Luke entered, "Get out" I growled.

"Please Laura, I promise next time I'll believe you" Luke pouted, I got an idea and started making a barrier of pillows, diving my side from his side.

"Okay, thats your side and this is mine" I smirked, he groaned.

"Laura..." he warned.

"Take it or leave it" I said, getting under the covers and curling up. I felt the bed dip and I was pulled over the pillows, and to his side, "Luke" I shrieked.

"What? Im still on my side" he said innocently. I just chuckled and closed my eyes.

The next time I woke up, it was to my phone ringing. I was still on Luke's side, I groaned. I went to get out but Luke's arm tightened.

"Stay" he whispered.

"I need to answer my phone" I told hin and he reluctantly let me go. I got up and headed to my phone, to see it was my mum.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Hey sweetie, just wanted to see how things were over there" she said cheerliy, "Since you didnt call..."

"Yeah, its great" I said enthusiastically.

"Thats good, how is Luke?" She asked suspiciously. Even though my mum forgived Luke, she was still wary of him because of the memories of me crying for help to get away from him.

"Yeah he's fine" I said nonchalantly.

"He's not trying anything...inappropriate, is he?" She asked, I blushed.

"Mum!" I groaned, "No he's not" i defended him.

"Have you just woken up?" She asked.

"Yeah, you kinda woke me up" I said, "Do you realise how early it is over here?"

"Im sorry, I'll leave you alone, just promise to call later"

"Yeah sure, bye" I hung up before she could lecture me. I crawled into my side of the bed and rested my head back onto the pillow, as if sensing my presence, Luke rolls over and pulls me to him. And we both fell asleep.

"GUYS GET UP!" a voice yelled, banging on the door. When the person realised we weren't going to move, they opened the door and started jumping on the bed, it was Ashton.

"Ugh, go away" I groaned, covering my face with the pillow.

"Cant, we have things to do!" Ashton yelled.

"Like what?" I asked.

"All we've got to do is do a photo shoot thing for this magazine" Ashton shrugged.

"And how does that involve me?" I asked.

"Because your coming with us!" Luke cheered, now sat up.

"Nooo" I whined.

"After that we've got a free day" Calum was now in the room.

"We thought we might go shopping or something" Luke muttered and my face brightened up.

"Im up!" I yelled and rushed to the wardrobe.

Okay...turns out that the photo shoot would take longer than expected. O was currently sat on a couch, watching the boys pose for this stupid magazine, why do they need to have their pictures in a magazine? I will never know. I watched Luke just stand there awkwardly next to Ashton and Michael, he just smiled with his hands shoved into his pockets while the boys did piggy backs and everything.

I watched as Luke went over to the tour manager and whispered something in his ear, then pointed to me. The manager nodded and called me over, I kept my gaze on Luke as I approached them and the manager smiled.

"Laura, Luke just gave me the best idea" he said, patting Luke's back, "He wanted to make you two known to the world and put you into the photo shoots along with the boys" he smiled and my eyes bulged, is he serious?

"Please" Luke gave me puppy dog eyes but I shook my head.

"No way in hell am I posing with you guys"


"I can't believe im going to pose with you guys" I muttered as they laughed at me while the make up artist powdered my face.

"Aw come on, its not that bad" Ashton smirked, I glared at all four of them. I just crossed my arms over my chest.

"We'll see" I muttered, looking at my reflection.

After like ten minutes of powdering my face, the make up artist was done and I was ushered out to the podium with the rest of the guys.

"Now, dont worry, just act natural, okay?" Michael whispered, I nodded.

"Jump on my back" Luke told me and crouched down infront of me.


"Just do it" Luke growled in frustration. I placed my hands on Luke's shoulders and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist as he cupped my thighs.

"Smile!" The photographer ordered, I rested my chin on Luke's shoulder and smiled wide.

A.N. This chapter kinda sucks, I know. But, the next chapter I promise will be more interesting.

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