Chapter 19

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Laura's P.O.V.

After taking a sip of my beer, I felt two hands on my waist from behind.

"Baby, wanna dance?" Jordan said into my ear.

"Alright" I smiled, we began dancing, then ended up in a heated make out session and sat back down again.

"I've gotta go to the bathroom,  I'll be right back"  he said, drunk off his ass.

Jordan never came back so I went over to the guys, they were hammered except from...well I dont think any of them were sober apart from me and I plan on keeping it that way. The rest of the night we had so much fun. We danced, joked about, had a cake from their parents, and my mum even turned up! I was so happy and the whole Abby mystery escaped my mind.

I was now pushing all the guys into the car, all of them absolutely hammered. After I managed to get them in, I got into the drivers seat.

Thankfully, we arrived without crashing, Michael and Ashton were messing around while I was trying to drive. I now had two heavy guys, leaning on me for support as I walked them up to the door.

"Where did you take Abby?" Michael slurred, on my right.

"I think she's inside" I said, he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I know you took her, just tell me" he said, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Note to self: Michael is annoying when drunk.

"Michael, I didnt take or kidnap or steal your girlfriend" I told him, but he wasn't even listening. We all got into the house, I throw Michael onto the couch and Ashton, well, I wasnt a hundred percent sure where he went. I went into the kicthen and got myself a glass of water, leaning on the counter until my phone buzzed. It was a message from Crystal, what could she possibly want? I looked at the time, it was 1am. The message was a picture, I opened it up and my  phone fell out of my hands, crashing to the floor, my following shortly after. I broke down into tears, not believing my eyes.

Luke's P.O.V.

I walked into the house, not as drunk has Laura thought I was, I was just a little tipsy. I saw Michael laying on the couch, talking to Calum in their slurring language. Then I heard a thud come from the kicthen, I rush into the kicthen to see Laura crying her eyes out while her phone lay there, a crack on the screen.

I instantly took her into my arms on the floor and gently stroked her hair. When she had calmed down, I picked her phone up and saw a picture of Jordan naked, with a naked Crystal, taking the picture. Underneath it read:

'Looks like Jordan decided to bunk at my place, hope you dont mind' I could imagine her laughing evilly.

"He cheated Luke" Laura sobbed, fisting my shirt, bringing me close.

"C'mon" I said, helping her to her feet and placing her phone on the counter, locking it. I took Laura up to my room and we got under the covers. She rested her head on my chest.

"I cant believe it Luke" she sobbed.

"Shh, dont cry" I coo'ed, pulling her closer to me, squeezing her tight, "I hate to see you cry"

"Why do you do this to me?" she asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Why do you act so caring when im trying to be mad?" she chuckled, "Why do you even pretend to care about me?"

"Laura..." I trailed off, "Ive always cared" I told her.

"Thats not true" she argued.

"How would you know when youve never let me explain?" I shot back, she kept quiet. Should I tell her now? Is this the moment? My chance?

"Then tell me" she said, my face lit up.


"Yeah, I mean, Abby hasnt stopped going on about it" she mumbled.


Me and Laura walked into school hand in hand, I had the biggest smile imaginable on my face, Laura was finally mine. Everyone turned to look at us but not in a good way, in a bad way. I heard insults being thrown at Laura left, right and center. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, we just kept walking until we had to split cause we had different classes.

I headed to my class and sat at the back, alone. I was hoping no one would sit in the seat next to me but, unfortunately, they didnt get the message and sat in the seat next to me. I looked at the person next to me, to see Crystal, with her signature smirk on her face.

"Hey baby" she smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked, she smirked again.

"Well, I didnt appreciate my boyfriend cheating on me with that slut, Laura" she said, innocently.

"Boyfriend?" I said, confused, "I aint your boyfriend and Laura is your best friend" I said.

"Not anymore" she mumbled.

"Did you have something to do with people throwing insults at Laura?" I asked, putting it all together.

"Of course I did" she said, no shame or guilt showing whatsoever, "All I needed to do was tell everyone we were dating and, after you told your friend Calum you had slept with Laura, thats all I needed" she explained.

"How did you get Calum to tell you? He doesn't even go to this school" I told her.

"I have my sources" she said and throughout the whole lesson, she never said another word.


"But I still dont get why she did it in the first place...." I said to myself.

"It all fits together now" she said, realisation hitting her, "Luke, im so sorry" she said, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tight.

A.N. There ya go! The truth is out! But...why did Crystal do it in the first place? Dont forget to vote and comment xxx

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