☃ When it snows ☃

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- you shivered

-"love, are you okay?"

-"yes I'm okay"

-Y/n shivered, y/n and America had went out in a walk while the temperature was around -5 

-America did not believe

- he removed his jacket, and- oh boi.

- wraps his jacket around chu and gives you a small peck in ur cheek uwu

-you blush and sunk down into his Jacket which looked oversized into you. you're boyfriend just smirks, grabbing you and carried you in bridal style proudly

-"Ame! I can walk by myself!"

-"Non sense love."


- You and France where in France's house, hanging out like always.

- You sighed as you and you're boyfriend ofcourse watched a horror movie, or as to you're liking.

-You yawned tiredly, and shivered not realising that it had snowed for a bit. 

-France looked over to you, who where wrapped at least 4-8 blankets

-"L'amour? are you okay? you sound... tired and cold..." 

-"Yes, I am okay L'amour."


-he wraps all of the blankets he has all over you to keep you warm- but also hugs you like a blanket uwu

-you took this opportunity to get as warm as you can while you're boyfriend hugs you


-would always work, but he would hang out with you if needed.

-kisses and cuddles

-watching movies

-stressi- I mean- more cuddles uwu

-would always hugs you behind when he is stressed

-you would try to distract or persuade him to take a break (but always say no Hhhh-)

- you would always give him hugs and kisses all the time (yes, even when he is trying to finish his paper work-)

-hugs you to get you warm every time you are shivering form the cold temperature-

Third Reich

- make's sure you are comfy and warm

-always brings you a hot cocoa/coffee

-knows how much sugar or milk you want to be added in your coffee

-spends time to cuddle with you

-more cuddles and kisses uwu

-brings you a ton of blankets during winter

-always pecks you're cheek, whenever you cook food owo

-always tells you "I love you Liebling~"

-he has a H O T voice owo

-always makes you blush uwu


- let's you sit on his la- I mean- he lets you wear his Ushanka uwu

-he would bring you to his workplace sometime even tho you do nothing except watch him do his work

-hugs and kisses

-uh oh, Kinky~ ;)

- always let you sit in his lap and wrapped you in his giant coat which surprisingly, he can zip it up with you inside-

-spends time with chu

- o- oh- looks like reader chan/kun is having a heated make ou-

-more hugs and kisses uwu

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