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It was a quiet and cold night. The sky was blanketed with grey clouds and a light, chilling breeze flowed through the air. The streets were dimly lit and the faint sound of traffic could be heard in the distance. Hidden away on the edge of the city, between the mazes of skyscrapers, stood a small convenience store. It emitted a bright light from all its windows, however the only sign of life was the exhausted figure sat behind the counter.

Park Eunji was not meant to be there that night, she'd agreed to exchange shifts with a coworker - something which she would soon regret. An unsettling feeling lingered in the air, and although Eunji was battling the urge to close her eyes, she still attempted to stay alert.

She glanced at the clock, only an hour left till the end of her shift. The store stayed open till 12 at night, and Eunji was told specifically she couldn't leave a minute earlier by her boss. Sighing, Eunji slowly picked up her bag. If she was to stay here, she should at least use the time wisely and get some assignments done.

Eunji was so engrossed in her work that she failed to notice the tall and dark figure entering the store. It was only when he placed his items on the counter (making Eunji jump out of her skin) that she noticed the man. Without thought she picked up each item, scanning it. She looked up, making eye contact with the man, immediately recognizing him - Jung Jaehyun, he attended the same university and even shared some classes with Eunji.

It took Eunji a few seconds to notice the bruises littered across his face. Shocked, Eunji gasped quietly. Jaehyun ignored her reaction, swiftly handing her the money. Noticing Jaehyun's unwillingness to explain anything, Eunji took the money and avoided eye contact. He immediately took his items and turns to leave.

As Jaehyun walked out the door, Eunji turned her attention back to her English assignment. However, it wasn't long before she was disturbed once again by Jaehyun running back into the store. Alarmed, she stands up, watching as he runs towards the furthest aisle from the door. He quickly crouched down, looking at Eunji with pleading eyes

"Please, don't tell them I'm here. Ok?"

She senses the urgency and swiftly nods her head. A few seconds later, the door opens once again; another tall man had just walked through the doors. He looks around once, before making eye contact with Eunji. A small, suspicious smirk appears as he slowly walks towards Eunji.

Her breathing started increasing, while her heart sunk to her stomach. This terrified feeling only intensifies when the mysterious man pulls out a gun.

Eunji muttered a curse under her breath, taking a step back in fear. Despite fighting the urge to cry, a soft, cold tear rolls down her pale cheek. She'd turned so pale, it looked like the man had pulled the trigger already.

"What do you want? Money? Just take it!" Eunji pleaded, sparing a small glance in Jaehyun's direction. Jaehyun gestured Eunji to duck and close her eyes, Eunji obeying immediately.

"Am I going to die?" thought Eunji, crouching behind the counter and covering her face with her hands.

A loud and sudden thud is heard, causing Eunji to slowly remove her hands from her face. It was clear to her the men were now fighting, as she could hear the punches and struggle between the two men. Gathering all the courage within her, she slowly peers from behind the counter, hands shaking violently. Taking a moment to take in the scene, her eyes dart around.

The gun...it was on the floor.  'Do I take it?' she thought, 'But what if he gets to it before me? Am I going to die?'

Her thoughts cloud her mind, however she quickly comes to a decision. Eunji darts towards the gun, praying she'll make it...

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dskdskdskdk this isn't that great i'm sorry lol i tried 😂
if you have any feedback feel free to lmk💞 ty for giving me a chance and reading this😂

hope you lovelies all have a great day!!🥺💞

hope you lovelies all have a great day!!🥺💞

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