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Narrator POV

Eunji stared at Jaehyun, sadness dripping from his eyes in the form of tears. He quickly, however, forced a smile; continuing his 'story'.

"I've never been able to get past it. It's why I wanted to help you, if another person died because of me - I don't know what I would do. Which is also why I can never explain how sorry I am, Eunji." Jaehyun's dark brown eyes stared at Eunji. He said no more words, guilt taking over his features.

Eunji thought for a moment, feeling very conflicted. Truth be told, she couldn't help but slightly blame him - Jaehyun was the reason she needed protection in the first place. However, a small sense of sorrow and sympathy flooded her mind, Jaehyun seemed like such a pained and lonely person.

Looking up at Jaehyun, Eunji cleared her throat, speaking softly: "It's ok, we both never realised the consequences of our actions - even I have my thorns." Immediate regret falls over Eunji, she didn't mean to say that. Trying to avoid any questions, Eunji closes her laptop and suddenly stands up.

"I'm gonna go to bed, night." she states. Eunji leaves, walking towards her room; leaving a confused and curious Jaehyun sat on the couch. Jaehyun wipes the few tears that had fallen, shoving away all of his previous thoughts. He stands up, grabbing his phone and walking towards his own room.

"Hey Mark, did you get any information on that guy?" Jaehyun asks as soon as Mark answers his call.

"Hello to you too. And oddly no, it's as if he's a ghost. I would be careful, he might be a ghost for a reason - if that's the case you'd be in more danger"

"Alright, thanks. Keep looking into it." Jaehyun says, ending the call. Letting out a deep sigh, he falls onto his bed. The image of Eunji's terrified face fills his mind. This was all his doing. If only he hadn't provoked those men that night, none of this would have happened. Negative thoughts continue to flood his mind, turning into a nightmare once he'd drifted asleep.

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Jung Jaehyun's POV

My eyes open abruptly, my chest moving at a fast pace. It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light and for me to realise it was only a dream. I sit up slowly, taking a few moments to calm down. Peering at my clock, I decide to go check if Eunji is awake.

"Eunji?" I yell, yet I receive no answer. I continue calling her name as I search around the house. However, she was nowhere to be found.

Quickly sending her a text, I wait for a reply. After about 20 minutes, she still hadn't replied. A small amount of panic begins to creep into my mind.

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Park Eunji's POV

As I walked down the familiar hallway, the smell of medicine and disinfectant filled my nose. I'd never liked hospitals, but they'd become one of my fears after my brother's accident. The nurse gives me a small smile before gesturing for me to enter the room. No matter how many times I visit, it never gets easier.

The door slides slowly behind me, making no noise. Machines beeping loudly and endless amounts of cables and tubes surrounded my brother's frail body. I smile gently, replacing the flowers in the vase. As I take a seat beside his bed, I take his hand into mine.

"Hey Jisung, it's Eunji."

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how do you guys think jisung is involved??,,🤨🤫
lol anyways,, my week so far has been p bad tbh bc ive dome badly in some of my tests so i mean yay but anyways,, hope you enjoyed and sorry for my writing becoming so idk,, bad?? idk what's wrong w me but i've been struggling to make it sound nice lol.

have a nice day!!💕

have a nice day!!💕

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