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Eunji's POV

Watching as the tall figure strolled in, I move closer to Jisung. I was absolutely terrified -  but unwilling to show it.

"What do you want?" I spit, watching as he walks towards the opposite side of the room and leans against the wall.

"We want both your brother and you. Considering you were the reason we couldn't get rid of Jaehyun that day and the fact you pulled a gun on me - well you should be dead." the man lowers his head, laughing lightly.

Flashback of the night Jaehyun ran into the store came flooding back - it sent a thousand shivers down my spine. "If you come any closer I'll scream..." I threaten, although even I knew it wasn't going to help.

The tall figure raises his head, giving me a satisfied smirk. He can clearly sense my fear, and he loves it. "Ah, well. I must say I'd love to kill the both of you right here right. But, unfortunately, you have something we want..."

I stare at the floor, taking a moment to sort out my options. "I don't have all day." the man threatens, causing me to look up.

"Fine. But let's discuss this outside."

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Jaehyun's POV

Slowly opening the door, the tense and silent atmosphere immediately hits me. Jisung was sound asleep while Eunji was sat beside his bed staring at the ground. I carefully move towards Eunji, placing my hand gently on her shoulder to alert her of my presence.

Startled, she jumps, turning to face me with what seemed like a terrified expression. She looks like she'd seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I whisper, lowering myself to her level.

Eunji gulps, avoiding eye contact. "I'm fine..." It was obvious she wasn't ok, but who would be in this situation?

"I've just finished discussing the situation with my uncle, and he's said that we can all stay there. He has a room set up for Jisung and we'd have a doctor there at all times." I smile at Eunji reassuringly, placing my hand on hers.

I receive no verbal answer, just a simple nod. Hopefully the change of scenery will help her.

The sound of the door slowly sliding open quickly catches my attention, Mark entering with a serious expression. He gestures for me to follow him outside - something didn't look right. I quickly excused myself before hurrying outside.

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Eunji's POV

The next few days went by uneventfully yet slowly. We'd taken Jisung to Jaehyun's uncle's house and he'd been recovering quickly. Despite this, I was filled with fear and nerves. I still hadn't done what I needed to and today was the last day.

Jaehyun had easily picked up on my mood as he spent the past few days with me. He was being good to me, being patient. It was killing me.

"I'll be back." Jaehyun smiles, quietly leaving my room. This is my last chance.

Peering out the door, I carefully sneak down the hallway. No matter how silent I was trying to be, anyone would be able to hear my racing heart beat from a mile away. The room I was looking for comes into my view, the pit in my stomach growing exponentially.

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' I chanted silently as I entered the room. The room I definitely wasn't meant to be in. The room that held a million secrets. The room that would save my brother. The room that could cause my death.

My eyes darted around the office, looking for the small black book with gold lettering on the spine. I didn't know what was inside, but it clearly meant something to that man.

Part of me hoped it didn't exist, that Jaehyun's uncle never had it in the first place.

"So you chose to listen to their demands?"

Frozen, my whole body goes cold as my heart drops. Tears threaten to fall as I slowly turn around, afraid to face Jaehyun.

"I-I'm sorry..."
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oof yea so sorry ab this being short,, writers block has been a real bitch😪

i tried my best tho and this happened so yea,, hope you enjoyed??

lockdowns not been that great either but oh well there's not much i can do ab that,, hope everyone else is coping tho and doing well💞

tysm for all the support despite my tendency to disappear,, it means a lot🥰

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