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Narrator's POV

Jaehyun slowly unlocks the door, watching as Eunji walks through. She looked pale, emotionally exhausted.

Eunji felt hurt, betrayed, unsettled.

Someone she had trusted turned out to be a complete liar and had hurt her own brother. But why? What did Jisung ever do for them to go to such lengths? Was it her fault? These questions overflowed in Eunji's mind - any sense of understanding vanishing.

The emotions came rushing once again, but this time Eunji felt worse. She wasn't angry. Cold tears came rushing down her face as the sound of her faint sobs filled the room.

Jaehyun was unsure of what to do. He couldn't imagine what she felt like and knew that there was nothing he could do to make her feel any better. So, he gently pulled her into his arms, surrounding her with his embrace. The two stood there for what felt like an eternity - both experiencing a different type of pain.

The moment was quickly interrupted as a sharp knock at the front door echoes throughout the house. Jaehyun slowly lets Eunji go, walking to open the door.

Mark bursts in as soon as the door unlocks, holding a mysterious folder. "We looked into it, like you asked," he states, marching towards the dining table.

Jaehyun looks at Eunji, unsure of whether she should hear this. "Why don't yo-" he begins, but Eunji quickly interrupted.

"Is this about Jisung?" she whispers, wiping away her tears. Jaehyun simply nods. "Then I'm staying."

As Jaehyun gives Mark the signal to carry on, he begins. "It took us a while, but we found something suspicious on the day of his accident. They had found a man dead a few blocks from your apartment. I spoke to some people, and it was one of Sohee's targets."

"What does this have to do with Jisung?" asks Eunji.

"Jisung had witnessed it. Sohee must have seen it, so she went after him. Jisung had tried to call you and that must be why Sohee wanted to stay near you."

Eunji immediately goes pale. "I should have picked up."

"Why didn't you?" blurts Mark, earning a glare from Jaehyun. Regret immediately falls over Mark as he apologises. Eunji knew he was only being curious, and that he had no bad intentions so she chose to answer.

"We'd had an argument. I needed my space, so when he called..." she lowers her head. 

"Monitor Jisung, the only thing stopping him from being a target is the fact that he can't tell anyone." instructs Jaehyun. Mark nods, understanding it was his cue to leave.

Just before he opens the door, Mark walks towards Eunji. "I'm sorry for thinking you were a threat," he mutters, quickly turning to leave once again.

Silence once again engulfs the apartment as Eunji stares at the floor, thoughts spinning around her head. She gently shakes her head, walking towards the door. "I need to go." mutters Eunji.

Jaehyun immediately grabs her wrist, turning her to face him. "Where are you going?"

"I need to clear my head..."

Jaehyun moves to stop her once again, only to be interrupted by the door abruptly opening. A panicked and breathless Mark appears.

"What is it?" asks Eunji, moving away from Jaehyuns grasp. A heavy pit forms in her stomach as the nerves set in.

"Jisung-" Mark breathes, trying his best to catch his breath. "He's awake!"

Almost instantly, Eunji's phone starts vibrating. She glances at the ID, her knees suddenly feeling weak. "It's the hospital."

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, the loud sound of machines slowly
coming into focus. I felt heavy and I struggled to move my arms - I felt scared. Where am I? What happened? Questions swarmed around me as I tried to remember what happened.

Suddenly, a man dressed in blue appeared in my view - his mouth moved but I struggled to hear. Everything felt overwhelming.

My senses began taking everything in as it all became clearer. The man had
come back, and was talking to me. Soon, a woman joined him as they began shuffling around the room.

"Where am I?" I breathe, using all the strength I had.

The woman moves towards me, a warm smile planted on her face. "You're in a hospital, you were in an accident. We've called your sister and she's on her way."

Tears suddenly form, slowly falling down the side of my face - I didn't know why I felt like this and it only created more confusion. The woman began moving wires and adjusting the bed as she helped me to sit up.

The door violently slides open as three figures rush in. "Jisung?" a shaky voice asks, I quickly recognise it.

She runs towards me, instantly wrapping her arms around me. Sobs quickly fill the room as the emotions become overwhelming.

Eunji moves back, staring at me as she tries to hold in her tears.
At this point I notice how Eunji looks older - my fear only begins to grow. "What happened?"

Her bottom lip trembles as she takes my hand in hers. "You've been in a coma, it's been a few years - do you not remember anything?" she asks.

I gently shake my head, unsure of why she'd ask that. Eunji quietly mutters "It's fine" before gently brushing her hand over my cheek. "I'm so glad you're ok." she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks as a weak smile forms.

A tall man limps towards Eunji, whispering something to her. Eunji nods, thanking him before he quickly leaves the room with the third person who had entered.

We watch as the doctors follow, closing the door carefully. Eunji turns her attention back to me, the weak smile still trying to hide her pain.

"Do you need anything?" blurts Eunji, suddenly going into practical mode.

I go to answer, only for us to be interrupted by the door opening abruptly. Eunji's face immediately drops as she moves to hide me from the mysterious figure.

"I think we have something to talk about."

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let's just ignore how unrealistic this all is and how bad it is i'm sorrypfkrjendn😂😅

and lol sorry for the whole disappearing,, i had exams the past two weeks and when i'd tried to write i got like two words in an hour😂but i'm slowly getting back into the whole writing thing so yea it's not gonna be great lol,,

ignoring that thO THE COMEBACK OMG I DIED!! i'm so proud of them like ahhhhhh!!🥺💞 i'm just so happy to be apart of this fandom and just AHAHSJSJSJ🥺

anyway,, i hope you (somehow) enjoyed this chapter + i'll try my best to get the next chapter up as soon as possible!!💞

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