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Park Eunji's POV

My heart raced a thousand miles an hour, my palms were sweaty and I had tears streaming down my face. Terrified, I lunged towards the gun. The mysterious man quickly realised what I was doing. He pushed Jaehyun off him and ran towards me. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I hoped and prayed that I would get there first.

Jaehyun quickly recovered from being pushed off and raced towards the man. Just as the man was about to get to the gun, he was tackled by Jaehyun. A small amount of relief washed over me as I finally felt the cold and unforgiving metal of the gun in my hand. Jaehyun harshly punched the man in the face, giving him a brief moment to run towards me. He took the gun out of my hands, hiding me with his body. Jaehyun lifted the gun towards the man, who'd now stood up. I nervously gripped onto the back of Jaehyun's hoodie, trying to keep myself as calm as possible. 

"We both know it wouldn't be a good idea to shoot me," the man says, a threatening smile plastered on his face. Jaehyun continues to stare at him, biting his lip - this meant something to him.

Jaehyun mutters something before letting out a sigh, "Go! Don't bother following us, I won't hesitate to shoot you a second time!"

The man smirks, enjoying the fact that he was right. He quickly turns, running out of the store. Jaehyun lowers the gun, turning towards me.

"I don't have time to explain, but we need to go now. Very soon, there's going to be a lot more people like that and I don't have the strength to fight them," he says in a stern tone before grabbing my hand and running out the store.

It wasn't long before we reached a motorcycle, which I'm assuming was Jaehyun's. He threw a helmet at me and we both quickly got on, speeding away immediately.

We'd been driving for a while, I assumed we were somewhere near the edge of the city, however, the area was very unfamiliar to me. It was filled with large and expensive houses, each one looked perfect and spotless, not one mistake could be seen. Jaehyun began to slow down as we turned towards a large gate, he nodded towards someone standing near it.

The tall and threatening gate opened slowly, and we began to drive up a long and twisted driveway. The house finally came into sight, it was even bigger than the last houses. I was so focused on the house that I hadn't noticed we'd come to a stop. Jaehyun nudged me, signalling me to follow him.

We were now walking through the house. Its hallways were long and confusing, but it was extremely silent. I felt a chill down my spine, this place feels unsettling. Jaehyun suddenly stops, opening two wooden doors. The room was large and filled with obnoxiously expensive furniture. I felt so out of place.

"Stay here, I'll go and get you a glass of water," Jaehyun says, in a softer tone than before. He swiftly leaves the room, finally giving me a moment to process what had happened.

Suddenly, the large doors open once again, however, it was not Jaehyun.

"You must be Park Eunji," says the man. He was dressed in a dark suit and his face looked stern and threatening. I felt the same cold chill run down my spine.

"Y-yes...who are you?" I stutter.

"I'm Jaehyun's uncle. Now, I heard you saw quite a bit tonight. "

"How did you know that?"

He chuckles slightly, his eyes looking at me with a dark and sinister tone. "I know a lot of things, but that isn't the point.," he pauses, taking a breath and sitting down on the sofa. "I heard you have a family member in the hospital, what a shame. Too bad something might happen to him if a certain someone goes to the police..."

My eyes widen in shock and fear - how could he know? "Are you seriously threatening me with a child's life? What kind of sick psycho are you?" I say, raising my voice slightly. However, our attention was then shifted to the door, Jaehyun was back. He walked swiftly towards his uncle, an angered expression painted on his face.

"What are you doing? She isn't going to tell anyone, just leave her alone, uncle!"

Jaehyun's uncle stands up, turning to face Jaehyun. "If you're so sure, fine. But don't blame me when she ends up with a dead brother."

I take a step back, my face turning pale, as I watch his uncle leave the room. My body goes limp, as my legs give in and I collapse to the floor. Jaehyun runs towards me, checking if I'm ok. I slap his hand away from me, giving him a disgusted look.

"Who the hell are you?" I spit.

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i'm not very good at making threats sound less obvious lol😂
also a random side note,, can we just take a minute to appreciate love talk bc daMN THAT MV KILLED ME!!😤✋

i'm not very good at making threats sound less obvious lol😂also a random side note,, can we just take a minute to appreciate love talk bc daMN THAT MV KILLED ME!!😤✋

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anyways😂, i hope you enjoyed and ty for reading!!💞

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