11. biscuits

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I am so



Tbh same, Oikawa is busy and shit

Nothing is going on

University is less fun than I thought

Wanna hang out?

I thought you'd never ask 😤

Let's meet up at the centre in like 30 minutes

Aight lemme get ready real quick

That don't mean you can stop talking to me

How's life

Boring as always...

Anniversary is approaching and I have no idea what to get Tomoda

Don't ask me for advice

I gave Oikawa socks and a gift card for a store that sells his fav stuff

That's it

I've been meaning to ask but

How did you two even


Get together????????

I thought he liked Iwaizumi

Oh yeah he did

But some stuff happened and they split

So me, being a great bestfriend, I comforted him and shit

And before I know it

He's asking whether I want to date him

And I said yes

Because why not

I guess me and Tomoda are quite similar

Yamaguchi set us up


Dating Oikawa... must be weird

He's a hopeless romantic

I don't know

I'm not really sure if I like him LIKE that

He's my bestfriend

And like sure a bestfriend with benefits

But I don't see him as like a partner and it's making me feel guilty

Oh no

We'll talk about this once we meet okay?

Does Oikawa know?

I think he does

Not too sure.


Matsukawa put his phone back in his pocket and sighed, stupid love stuff. A sharp wind suddenly wash over the land and he found himself holding onto his black beanie, it would be a shame if it flew away.

"Mattsun!", he heard a voice shout his name, so clearly. His gaze followed the voice and finally it caught the puff of pink hair rolling towards him. Hanamaki had a smile on his face, unlike any other. His lips had curled in the corners, comfortable enough to create small dimples. The wrinkles by his eyes just gave his smile a brand new meaning, wow, this is what beauty is.

"Well hello there, Makki", Matsukawa pulled the other into a hug. "You look great"

"Not too shabby yourself", Hanamaki laughed before holding out a paper bag to Mattsun. Steam was rising from it and Mattsun looked at him with a questionable expression.

"It's fresh, just baked, biscuits! Have someone! I thought you'd want one since it's kinda chilly", he smiled once more, making Mattsun's heart melt just a little bit.

And yet, he knew it was wrong. They both did. There was no need for them to dress up like dolls just to see each other, no need to smile at each other as if it was just two of them in the entire world...

Bind by their relationships, hurt by the past, they were afraid of being in pain again.

Perhaps they needed something more to happen in order to realise that the spark between them had turned into a bonfire.



Sorry for the long wait. I'm busy with exams and I'm also sick uwu

Anyway, hope you liked it.


𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 ||𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚|| (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐨) Where stories live. Discover now