12. the moon

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You know

It's quite a beautiful night

Hell yeah it is

Not as beautiful as me though

Oh God Oikawa is rubbing off on me

Excuse me

But I'm the most beautiful here

Not gonna argue with that


How's stuff with Gucci and Tomoda

It's all well

Yamaguchi is sort of ignoring me right now

Mad that we met up the other day

Tomoda is cool, busy with studies and stuff

Yamaguchi would kill me if he saw me

I'm kinda scared to go outside

What if he's there

With a knife

Or something

Not that he could ever be a killer

Or could he?

*cue VSauce music*

Nah he couldn't

Oh how's Oikawa

Wish I could say we're good but

I think he knows

That it's not really working out

We are friends, best friends even and all this is platonic not romantic

Dont know how to tell him...

Oh no...

We talked about this

He needs to know sooner or later

What did happen to Iwaizumi though?

I thought they were friends?

Remember the tongue piercing guy?

The bet they made?

He found out




Makki put his phone down, he knew talking to Matsukawa now would be pointless and would hurt him even further. Yes, he may not be in love with Oikawa, but it is still tough to break up with a person who depends on you.

He stood up slowly, staring at a picture of him and Tomoda on the wall. Tomoda, huh... Now that Matsukawa was back in Hanamaki's life, he was beginning to doubt himself. Does he really love Tomoda as much as he think he does? Why does his heart beat faster whenever Mattsun is around him? How come Mattsun is so his type?

Questions that Hanamaki didn't want answers to.

He walked up to the window, the full moon was in the sky, surrounded by millions of stars. Hanamaki found himself putting a hand over his heart, an image of Matsukawa popped into his head and his heart skipped a beat.

He was everything Hanamaki ever wanted.

A caring man, with a sense of humor and good fashion. A man who loves you, not because you're pretty or handsome but because you have a beautiful heart. A man who would take a bullet for you, the one who makes you feel like you're never going to get old. A man who falls in love with you every day...

The moon shines, it reflects in Hanamaki's eyes. Perhaps...he should reconsider.



A short one! Sorry for the long wait. I had midterms and exams and it all piled up. We're getting deeper now famsquad.


𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 ||𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚|| (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐨) Where stories live. Discover now