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"calum!" you cried for what felt the hundredth time over the past 24 hours. running into the bedroom, he walked over to you on the bed. "whats up, hm?" he asked, sitting on the edge, looking at you with worry. originally, you were planned to give birth about a week ago now, however, still no baby and it was getting miserable. you had developed stretch marks that turned into a rash, your back was killing you, everything was swollen and you were just genuinely ready to have your baby after waiting for 9 months. "can we goto the hospital? the medicine isn't fucking working, i'm so itchy it's killing me." calum frowned, reaching over to grab your hand, nodding. leaning down to kiss your stomach, calum hummed, "please come soon, you're making your mum really angry and im scared she's gonna kill me soon." even through all your pain, calum knew how to make you smile with his little jokes. you couldn't be more thankful for a boyfriend like him through all of it, he could've left but he stuck around and plans to for the rest of your childs life. anyways, helping put on your sandals and to the car, the two of you went to the hospital, probably the 3rd time the last few days. "just hang in there babe, she'll be here soon." calum said while driving, looking over at you who had a pout on your lips. "you know, people were saying online that being induced is better because you aren't hurting for so long, but fuck, i don't know if i can make it." you sighed, hands resting under your belly, head leaning against the window while feeling your little baby kicking gently. "we can ask the doctor how to make labor come faster probably. have you searched that?" calum asked. you shook your head, picking up your phone, looking at some of the top answers to how to naturally induce labor quicker. reading the answers, you snorted at one, knowing calum would be glad to try it. "guess what one of the recommended things are?" you chuckled. "walking?" he asked. "no, sex." when you looked over, calum was already looking at you with a surprised look. "wait-really? read it." calum continued to drive, while you laughed. "natural ways to induce labor: one, exercise, blah blah blah; two, sex: sex can release oxytocin, which may help jump uterine contractions." you read to him. "should we go back home?" he asked, you could tell he's already excited. "calum! what about my rash?" you laughed. "if i can fuck you to get pregnant, i can fuck you to give birth." making a u-turn, he drove the two of you back to the house, you laughing your ass off the way back. when you got back to the house, he lead you to the bedroom. "now what? it's not like we can do it how we normally would." you chuckled, pointing to your stomach. "we'll just lay on our sides, no big deal." he smiled, leaning down to kiss you. you couldn't help but smile against him, arms wrapping around his neck as he joined you on the bed. his lips trailed down past your lips to your neck, leaving wet kisses across your skin. "fuck," you breathed softly, eyes fluttering closed. you and calum haven't done this in a while and you were really missing it. maybe this was a good thing. inbetween gentle kisses, calum helped undressed you. once everything was disregarded, calum spooned you, kissing your shoulder as he dipped his hand between your legs. "you're so beautiful, you know that?" he said quietly. "i know you don't like how your body is right now, but fuck, you're so gorgeous carrying our little baby girl. i dont deserve you." your cheeks went pink at his words, tilting your head back as you looked up at him. "i love you." you mumbled softly, feeling two fingers rub your clit. "m'love you." he replied as you let out a soft moan at the feeling. as you grabbed his wrist, he knew what you wanted, so he slipped his fingers past your folds, causing you to moan out his name. calum sucked on a sweet spot on your neck while pumping his fingers, making sure you were well lubricated before pulling them out. lifting your leg a little above his, calum scooted closer to you, his chest pressing right up against your back as he pushed himself into you. gasping at the feeling, you grabbed onto his hand that held your hip. "shit," he groaned, adoring the feeling he longingly missed. "you feel so good baby." calum hummed before starting a rhythm of slowly snapping his hips. you felt like you were a mess, filling up the room with your sounds of pleasure, cursing and crying out his name. calum wasn't sure if it was because he hadn't felt this in such a long time, but he already felt like he was gonna cum just at the simple movements, his stomach already beginning to knot but he wanted this to last longer to savor the moment. when calum pushed all his length into you, he tapped that sweet part, sending you over the edge, crying out as you felt yourself coming to an end. "fuck calum, i'm-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before pleasure was replaced with pain? before he could release, he pulled out when he felt your body tense up. "hey you okay? did i hurt you?" he asked, worried, hand stroking your arm. "no, i-i think the labor kicked in." you whined, feeling a shooting pain, almost like the worst period cramps ever. "oh my god it worked." he said quietly, shocking himself. he didn't think it was gonna actually work. sitting up, you started practicing your breathing exercises while calum slipped on his boxers quickly. "wait should we goto the hospital?" he asked, looking over at you. "please." you begged. after getting dressed and grabbing everything you needed, the two of you left the house. the next time you come home, you'd have a little baby with you, finally out and in the world after 9 months of waiting.

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