pianos & coffee - luke

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you woke up to the sound of a piano playing downstairs and the voice of your baby boy. luke was always up earlier than you because he had so many ideas he needed to get out and onto paper normally or he just liked messing around on the piano. once you were finally up, you climbed out of bed, slipping on a pair of fuzzy socks before coming down the steps and made yourself a cup of coffee. as the keurig brewed your beverage, you walked over to luke, kissing the side of his head and mumbling a good morning. he stopped all he was doing, spinning around on the bench and embracing you in a hug. "g'morning darling, how are you?" he'd ask before your leaned down to peck his lips, tasting the caffeine he had been sipping on. "still trying to wake up." you'd chuckle as luke swayed you in his arms, face snuggled in the fabric of his own shirt you wore. "i'll be done in a bit and then we can cuddle. i wanna finish this thing up. i think it would be good for the album." the blonde glowed. "wanna hear it?" "of course baby boy." you giggled, kissing his forehead before sitting beside him on the bench. the smell of coffee filled the room, letting you know your drink was done but it could wait. luke took a deep breath, playing out a simple yet beautiful ballad of a string of lyrics. it was a little bit but had a lot of potential. while luke finished it up, you dressed your coffee and joined petunia on the couch. she was on her tummy asleep as you quietly drank from your mug, watching your boyfriend work on his music. halfway through your coffee, luke joined the two of you on the couch, grabbing a blanket and curling the two of you in the warmth of the fabric. "m' love you." he mumbled, kissing your cheek. "i love you too, lu." you smile, kissing his nose before spending the rest of the morning with him like that.

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