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Steve POV:

We are almost back at the cabanas to get changed and decided to take a walk up the beach. The light reflected off Natasha's face perfectly. We walked down to the edge of the pier and watched the sun go down. We talked and talked. Until we decided to walk to the cabanas. I was about to walk forwards when something pulled my arm and chucked me into the sea. Luckily I had grabbed her around the waist and pulled her with me.
"Good one Romanoff!"
"Yeah it seems like all of my plans have backfired today. Anyway we were already wet so why not?"
"Yeah sure."
Ask Natasha fell I must of kinda caught her in a way because she was in my lap in the water
She didn't look like she minded though. And to be fair neither did I. Ever since I found her in the helipad I have been more protected over her I am not sure why but I can't help but want to be around her all the time. We stayed like that and talked as I leaned against the pier with Natasha's legs wrapped around my torso. The water was very warm because we were in Hawaii. So I took if my shirt and threw it into the beach. It looked like she blushed but if she did she quickly hid it. We heard people coming towards us.
"Hey Rogers that's them right?"
Crap. That was them I quickly swam around the side of the pier so no one could see us and Natasha got on my back clinging onto my torso. Her head was rested on my shoulder and my arms were holding her legs so she didn't slip off. We stayed like that until we heard the doors shut.

Natasha POV:
When we heard the doors shut I still clung into Steve. His as we're against my bere skin because I was wearing a dress and my hands were clung into his torso. He was so hot. Like how could a man be that hot?! Steve slowly walked around the pier back to where we were and picked up his shirt that luckily no one saw! He got out of the water and I was still on his back. The water and the light made his abs shine and face look perfect. He jumped so I was further up his back and started walking towards the cabanas. He dropped me off at mine first. He was about to go when I turned around.
"Hey Steve?"
"Yeah Nat what's up?"
Gosh I loved it when he called me Nat!
"Umm thanks for that I really needed a laugh!"
"Hey Nat their is no need to say thank you I had a good time to. Maybe we can do it again sometime." He said. We both laughed and went into our rooms. I walked in and Wanda was already home. I was still soaking wet after the swim. Except there was no swimming involved. So she probably has questions.
"Hey Nat why are you soaking wet and home late."
"Oh hey mum my school bus was late." I said sarcastically.
"Fine don't tell me I will just look inside your head?!"
"Fine fine fine I will tell you. We took the wrong turning back to here do ended up walking along the beach so..."
"Oooooo romantic"
"Really Wanda? Anyway we stopped at the pier to look at the sunset and as we were turning back I tried to push Steve in the sea."
"Hey hey hey... Your not don't yet what do you mean tried?"
"Fine i ended up pushing him in but he pulled me with him. Somehow he also managed to catch me so I ended up in his lap with my legs around his body. He then took his shirt off because the water was really warm so I was basically holding him and blushed but hid it. He didn't seem to mind that I was sitting in his lap and neither did I to be fair. We talked for about an hour and..."
"Whoa whoa whoa you were sat like that for an hour?"
"Yes until we heard you guys coming and hid behind the pier so I moved onto his back and then we waited until you were gone got out while I was still on his back and he dropped me off and now I am here talking to you about it.
"Omg omg omg so you are saying you sat on Steve for an hour?"
"Right I have something to tell you that will make this sharing thing even."
"Ok shoot"
"Me and Bucky are boyfriend and girlfriend!"
"Omg I am so happy for you!"
"Thank you! Only you and Steve know though so don't tell anyone!"
"Fine I won't!"
After talking to Wanda I had a shower brushed my teeth and waited for the next morning.

Wanda has revealed her secret to Nat
Natasha sat on Steve for an hour?
Wand still wants to do the plan?
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