Wanda's push

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Steve POV

Even though I said to Nat to forget about the kiss deep down i hope she doesn't. Now I finally knew that she liked me and not just in the friend way. I mean I didn't really want her to find the book but it brought back memories from when I first wanted her. I mean she used to talk to me when I was recovering and I could hear her. But as I gained consciousness she suddenly left. So I started drawing her. I mean I guess it was just a guess that I knew here hair was red and all her facial features. I don't really know how I mean I guess it was a mystery.
"So ready to race?"
"Of course let's go!"
We set out paddling with our boards into the sea waiting to catch a wave.
There was one coming our way and I could tell that was the one she was going for, so I went...
Me and Nat reached the beach at a split second time but we were 'arguing' about who won. We both laughed.
"Hey Tony where is Ted?"
Nat asked I mean it did make me kind of sad but after all I told her to forget about it so it was my fault.
"Umm sorry I don't know he went cliff diving about and hour ago with Sam."
"But Sam is there?" I stated.
"Hey bro we need to go to the cliffs later it was great."
"Hey Sam where's Ted?" Nat said but with no worry in her voice it was weird.
"I don't know he jumped and said he would meet me down here but it's been 20 minutes."
I started walking off in the direction of the cliffs.
"Steve what are you doing?"
Nat said and grabbed me by the arm.
"I am going to find him why?"
"Because the cliffs are that way grandpa." She said and smirked.
We both laughed.
"Oh and I am coming to." She said and smiled.
(2 hours later)
Wanda POV

I have been sitting with Ted for 3 hours now and it's painful. I don't understand how Nat can deal with him but I know she is always thinking about someone else. But seriously this dude. I am finally interrupted when I get a call from Tony.

(Tony in italics)

Hey it's working

Good but seriously this dude is so annoying to talk to

Wanda you realise he is right Infront of  you.

Nah he went to the loo he is just coming back. Keep me updated.

Will sure do.

K thanks

Oh and your boyfriends looking for you.

With that he ended the call. I still blush at the fact I am Buckys Girlfriend. It felt so right I with Steve and Natasha could see they were perfect for eachother as well damn those two were very stubborn.

Natasha POV

What is that kiss ment something he obviously liked me as well but I wanted it to happen again. I really need to end it with Ted. Like now.
I suddenly walked right into a rock head first I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I looked up to see that Steve had stopped right Infront of me.
"Nat you seem deep in thought?"
"Yep well done."
I had so many desires when he looked at me he felt like a magnet I was pulled towards him.
"Steve I am sorry"
"Sorry for what."
I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him. He quickly kissed me back. It started off gently but soon turned into a fast kiss fulfilling all of our desires I fell over pulling Steve down on top of me but we didn't break the kiss. We finally stopped for a breath and we started into eachothers eyes.
"We have to stop doing this Nat."
"I know I know but still it feel right. What if we kept it secret?"
"We can but you forgot about Ted"
"I was going to break up with him anyway, let me call Wanda."

(Nat is bold)
Hey Wanda have you heard from Ted yet?

No still not found him yet?


This is bad.

Wanda can you do me a favour and put the phone on speaker.

Sure thing
(Wanda puts it on speaker.)

Ted you there

Yep what's up by the way I think we should break up sorry.

Wanda you are dead meat first you lie to me because he is right next to you and secondly I wanted to break up with him yesterday!

Sorry just come back we can talk then.

(End of conversation)

"Well that's done"
"What's done?"
"Ted just broke up with me not that I am mad about it but Wanda was there with him meaning it was set up"
"So does that mean we are sneaking around?"
"Yes now where where we"

We kissed for what seemed like hours and let's just say things escalated quickly. ;)

(1 hour later)

We quickly got dressed smoothed own hair and ran back to the cabanas to enjoy our last night of our holiday.

Nat and Steve are together.
They are sneaking around.
Now it's time for revenge on the others and their plan 😂
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