1 | time travel to the past

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1 | time travel to the past


"Hey,did you know that the yiling patriarch has died?"

"Of course, I know. Who would know that his precious shidi that kill him"

"Yeah,I hear that he is a promising cultivator but look at how he end up now"

"If not for the yunmeng jiang clan sect leader adopt him,he must have roaming around the street "

After hearing the yiling patriarch die all of the villagers were no more than happy about it. News of his death spread all across the city.


At the lotus Pier, lay a man in his youth sleeping peacefully in his room until a man in purple robe barges inside his room.

"Wei Wuxian! Wake up! Don't you know what time it is!"

A door slamming sound can be heard, along with a loud voice that was shouting his name making Wei Ying wake up from the noise that was disturbing his sleep.

"Finally you have wake up"

The voice of the man can be heard making the sleeping boy wake up in shock and stare at the man with frustrated eyes. 

"Wait, is that you Jiang Cheng?"

Wei Ying asked in a sad yet frustrated voice.

"Hahh!? Did you get your head knocked in something or what when catching some pheasants? Of course I am Jiang Cheng who else would be"

As Jiang Cheng was talking to Wei Ying, a young girl entered the room.

"A-Cheng no need to mad at A-Xian he did nothing wrong"

Wei Ying who was still on his bed felt relieved yet sad when he saw his shijie still alive and walking in healthy health .

"But Jie, he the one who bring trouble to our clan, who know what Wen clan will do to us"

Shijie looks at Jiang Cheng with gentle eyes and her lips curve to smile.

"A-Cheng things that happened has already past, you need to learn how to forget it"

Jiang Cheng, hearing this, started to pout with a frown in his face .

"Fine jie."

Jiang Cheng who was pouting changed his direction to Wei Ying to see he was crying.

"Ugh!? Wei Wuxian, why are you crying!? There even have some snot in your nose eww?!"

"A-Xian, why are you crying? Did A-Cheng bully you?"


Wei Ying, who was crying, cleaned his face with his clothes.

"Nothing I just have a nightmare"

Shijie, who was worried, felt at ease hearing him only having a nightmare.

"That's good, then go clean yourself. I have cooked lotus soup for you two. I go heat it up"

Jiang Cheng, hearing it, could not help his hungry self and went to shijie.

"Wait shijie let me help you"

Shijie hearing it, curves her lips into a smile.


With that the two leave Wei Ying room by himself. Wei Ying, who was lonely in the room, could not help but cry again in happiness and thinked of his situation right now.

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