8 | Cloud recess ☁

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8 | Cloud recess ☁

                        As you can see the story up there is not mine but I'm really recommend this story

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As you can see the story up there is not mine but I'm really recommend this story. Why? Because its also back to the past story as mine and I'm really love this story! My heart is feeling excited reading it! Mabye you should read it if you want to know why I'm excited.. Hehe


Wei Ying who entered cloud recess could not help but felt nostalgic at this place. The place where he irritated Lan Qiren. The place he meet Lan Zhan and gave him two cute rabbit. Reminding of the rabbit Wei Ying could not help but wanted to meet it..

Wei Ying pov~

Wahh so nostalgic~ the stone rule are still there~  I hope I don't have to write the rules for hundred time. Haha. Its been a long time since I'm being here. I wonder how is the rabbits since they so cute and fluffy. I really want to meet the rabbits Maybe I ask Lan Zhan~ but... I need to meet with Jiang Cheng and Shijie first since they must be shock seeing me. I wonder if they tell anything about me?

As I walk, I meet with Nie Huangsan on my way. As he look at me,he run in panic to my direction and grab my shoulder.

"Wei Xiong!!! Are you okay!!! Jiang Xiong told me that you sick and could not come!!"

As I heard I sigh in relief because Jiang Cheng didn't tell them about Wen clan.

"I okay now Huangsan. No need to panic. I fine now. "

"Are you sure??"

Huangsan ask as he loosen up the grab on my shoulder.

"Yes, I fine. Ah! Do you know where Jiang Cheng and Shijie right now??"

Huangsan worrying eyes change into normal eyes. He opened his fan to cover his half face while answered my question.

"Oh! Jiang Xiong and Yanli jie is in Jiang Xiong room...Talking. Ah! Wei Xiong??"


"Ever since I ask about you in front of them..they become really sad...did you do something Wei Xiong??? Or did they really worry about you being sick???"

"Me?? Ah nooo~ maybe its they first time seeing me sick. That why they are so worry."

"Oh~ Ah! Wei Xiong. I have something that urgent to do so.. Please excuse me."

Huangsan bow to me as I bow back to him in respect.

"Same too."

Just like that we depart to our own way. I went to Jiang Cheng room and as I arrived in front of the door, I began to eyes dropped them. I really can't wait to bully him. Hihihi but.. Shijie might cry..if he see me since she really worry... I feel bad all of sudden.

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