6 | Wen clan

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Yeah!! I got top 10!!!                          ††‡††

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Yeah!! I got top 10!!!


6 | Wen clan


Wei Ying and Wens arrived at Qinghe and went to Nightless city. As they there, Wen Chao make a gestured ordered Wens to stop.

"All of you back to your own duty while I escorted Wei Wuxian to my father!"

With that all went to they own duty while Wei Ying followed Wen Chao to meet Wen Ruohan. Step by step they were nearing the throne room and step by step Wei Ying grew worry. An invisible sweat mark can be feel on Wei Ying forehead. As the door open Wei Ying saw Wen Ruohan sitting on a big throne chair that can fit 2 person lying there. As they enter, Wen Chao bow to his father.

"Father I brought Wei Wuxian."

Wen Ruohan who heard it ordered Wen Chao to out of the room.

"Good. Now..leave us alone."

The sound of Wen Ruohan enco through the room making Wei Ying hair stand up.


With Wen Chao leaving Wei Ying who feel like he more comfortable to be alone with Wen Chao than Wen Ruohan sweatdrop.

"I want to go home..."

"Wei Ying is your birth name right"

Wei Ying shock at the sudden conversation but answered it back.


"Come closer"

Wei Ying who don't know what to do speechless but calm himself.

"Don't worry I beat him before s..so no need to worry"

Wei Ying who calm himself went closer to Wen Ruohan about 10 step up to the stair to the throne.

"More closer"

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