9 | Lan Zhan

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9 | Lan Zhan


In the night city of the throne room, Wen Ruohan was sitting elegantly on the throne putting his fist on his cheek. As he was casually in daze without doing anything a knock can be hear though the room.

"Enter. "

A man who is also Wen Chao enter the room and greet his father.

"Greeting father. "

"Ah Wen Chao what problem do you have to meet me? "

"Answering father. Was it true Wei Wuxian is my cousin? "

Wen Ruohan hearing it chuckle.

"hehe. It's true but I'm the one that kill his father you know~"

"Then about him being the second... "

"Ah~ hihi~"

Wen Chao hearing the laughter shivering of it.

"I was planning to bring him to our side. With the bracelet still with him I can control his mind and body~ It will be easy to destroy the enemy. Poor Cangze,my little brother~ If he didn't kill by me, he could still be the clan head and live happily but look at how weak he is. He so easy to kill! Hihihi~"

Hearing the words,Wen Chao felt a goosebumps all over his body but couraged himself to ask his father.

"does that mean we will plan to destroy all of the clan? "

"hehe. That right my child. I will need to prepare a plan carefully without mistake and make sure to make Wen Xuan think I am a good person. That all you can leave"

"Yes father"

With that Wen Chao left the room after done the greeting leaving Wen Ruohan alone in the room smiling.

"hehe. Wen Xuan Wen Xuan. You look alike your father. I can still remember killing him by raping him. Ah~ that horny face of your father when I drug him. Having a really good time hearing the desperate voice for me to stop~ Cangze will I remember you when I do it on your son~hihihi"

(AN:dundundun! Wen Ruohan is crazy∑( ̄□ ̄;))


At the cloud recess..

Wei Ying who woke up early at 5 am was stretching his body. He does a normal routine like usual and went to meet Jiang Cheng and Shijie.

"Jiang Cheng! Shijie! Morning! "

The two figure who were standing together on the bridge link to the classroom look at Wei Ying direction and greet him.

"morning. "

"morning A-Xian. Let head to the class. "

Wei Ying heard it curve a smile on his face and went to the classroom with the two of them. Entering the classroom all of the clan students sit according to the arrangement but something are disturbing them.

"hey! Who is that person wearing Yunmeng clan clothes! "

Student A whisper with student B replying.

"I don't know but she look pretty. "

All of the students whispers to know the person identity. As they whispered, the person they talk about enter the classroom and sit on Wei Wuxian place and the gossip become huge.

"hey hey! Don't tell me she is Wei Wuxian lover! "

Student C whisper to student F.

"But that imposible! My change to get a lover failed wuwu... "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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