2 | my cultivation

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2|my cultivation


In the early morning,Wei Ying wake up at 5 am to shocking that he change his clothed. He didn't wear the usual black robe with red stripe but white robe with purple stripe!

He who has done changing went outside and many eyes watching him in shock.

"Hey,do you know who is he"

"No I don't but he is so beautiful"

"Yeah,but where is senior disciple I don't see him anywhere"

"Yes where is he,I can't wait to beat him in catching peasants!"

"But who is that guy? I never see him before?"

"Maybe we should ask him?"

"Are you stupid! I don't dare to ask him,what if he has a bad temper!"

"You right! I'm so stupid!" The disciple face palm himself.


1 hour before changing clothed~

In Wei Ying room ~

Wei Ying who has wake up stretching his body and look at his surrounding.

"Such a nostalgic"

He went to his wardrobe to see his regular clothes.

"I think I should change my clothing style in this life"

Wei Ying who think of such a thing take his new flute and play it. While playing it a silk appear from thin air to make a clothes!

5 clothes that has a same design. A white inner robe and a white and a purple stripe as the outter robe. As the music stop,the clothes is done and a happy face appear on Wei Ying face.

"Its a good thing,I learn a survival cultivation flute style! Not only my hair become soft but my face also become a little feminine I think?"

Wei Ying who was happy go to shower and change to his new clothed putting his flute at his waist and depart.

"Its 5 am now I think the disciples must have wait for me to catching some peasants!"


Wei Ying who was happy went to where the junior disciples were.

"Yo! All of you must have wait for me!"

The Junior disciple who heard it began to stuttered as if they were scare.

"Wait this voice! Se...senior disciple?!"

Wei Ying who heard it began to confuse.

"Wait? Why are you asking who I am? Of course I am your senior disciple?"

Other disciples who heard it became shock hearing it.

"Re..really but you look different!"

Wei Ying who heard it touch his feminine face.

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