7 | Friendly

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7 | Friendly


After the announcement about Wei Ying. All Wens began to gossip and curious on how Wei Ying behave like.

"Wei gongzi is so beautiful!"

"I know! But does he have the same attitude as Wen gongzi?"

"Yeah! I'm so curios!!!"

"Me too!! I hope he doesn't have the same attitude as Wen gongzi."


"I hope he is like an angel light our way to become stronger."

"Me too"

"Yeah me too"

As all wens gossiping about Wei Ying. He is now with Wen Qing because she will escort him to her place,Qinjing to live there. As Wen Qing escort Wei Ying,he talk to Wen Qing to avoid quietness.

"Wen Qing??"

"Yes Wei gongzi??"

"You have a little brother name Wen Ning right?"

Wen Qing heard it panic,scare Wei Ying will harm Wen Ning but still answered his question.

"Yes. I have a little brother name Wen Ning."

Wei ying who converse with Wen Qing knew she have a worry look in her face.

"Wen Qing still like before, worry about her little brother. Scare if something happen to him. In my past life,I didn't sleep just to wake up Wen Ning consciousness to make Wen Qing happy back."

"Wei gongzi is there any problem with my little brother that you want to know him?"

Wen Qing ask Wei Ying as she is worry.Wei Ying who was thinking snap back.

"Ah..no! I just want to be friend with him."

Wen Qing hearing it sigh in relief as Wei Ying will not harm Wen Ning. As they talking, they already arrived at Qinjing.

"Wei gongzi this is Qinjing where Wen Ning and I live. I will take you to your room."


As they walking, Wen Ning went out to greet Wei Ying.

"Greeting Wei gongzi I am Wen Ning."

Seeing Wen Ning, Wei Ying eyes become gentle as he greet back to Wen Ning.

"Greeting Wen Ning. No need to be formal to me. We will live together from today."


"No but just think of me as your friend, Wen Qing too."

Hearing Wei Ying words both of them relief and shock at the same time as no one in Wen clan has a good attitude like him. Both of they eyes become friendly,they look at each other eyes while nodded and bow to Wei Ying in respect.

Wei Ying saw them bow confuse and thus ask.

"W..why are you bowing! Get up.."

Wen Qing hear this talk.

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