Does it all end here?

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So we are back at the firehouse and me and Buck were told to go put our stuff in our lockers and then head right up to the Captains office, so we walk to our lockers mean while I'm cussing under my breath the whole time cause I am furious at Buck for getting me in trouble but mostly I am furious at myself for letting my self get caught up in this stupidness with Buck on our first day. So we throw our stuff in our lockers and start walking up to the Captains office neither one of us saying word to each other and I am honestly glad Buck isn't trying to talk to me cause I think I would just end up punching him again, we get to the door of his office and before I knock on the door I give a big gulp and me and Buck exchange looks and then I knock kinda light hoping he didn't hear it but also loud enough to where he probably did hear it, and I was right he heard it cause we both hear him yell come in and again we exchange another look of shit and walk in and he says " Hi guys please sit down and points to the two chairs in front of him. So we sit down at the chairs and I'm dying inside hoping and praying that we aren't getting fired right then and there, we have been sitting here for about five minutes while Captain Nash has been typing on his computer and kind of ignoring us. After about a good ten minutes of sitting in silence Captain Nash looks up at us from his computer with disappointment written on his face and he looks at me first says so Maia Knight I looked you up and you got the highest score on everyone of your tests physical and paper tests thats very impressive cause out of all the women that have gone through the fire academy you have gotten the highest score actually you have the highest score then any of the guys to, so why are you letting your self get into trouble because of a little teasing I watched your videos of your final test and you did a great job and I can tell you are going to be a good firefighter but as much as we all hate it you work in a guys profession and if you want to keep this job than you can't let any guy get under your skin otherwise its going to effect your job performance like it did today. I said I know and I am really sorry for that and it won't happen again I love this job and I want to be a firefighter for a long time, and he said fine I am giving it one more chance because on this job we don't have time for mistakes so please don't let this happen again and I said thank you so much Captain Nash. Then he looks at Buck said now you I looked you up to and your scores isn't as impressive as Ms. Knights and it sounds like you have a history of being a goof off and being diffcult student so do I need to transfer you to another department or are you going to act like an adult and stop screwing off and take this job serious cause if you can't keep a job like this than you are going to have a really hard time getting a job anywhere, you really don't want to have getting fired from 9-1-1 and Buck all of a sudden looked really sad that Nash mentioned getting fired and he said please no I love this job and I don't want to get fired please and he said fine Buck but I don't want to see anymore fighting between either one of you or I will have to fire one of you or both so please don't make me have to do that. We both look at with him thankful eyes and he says okay now you both can leave and go see what needs to be done around the fire house and we both said yes sir and walked out and of course the second we walk out Buck opens his stupid mouth and he says " So now we aren't getting fired I just have to mess with outside of the firehouse or at least not on duty " and I gave him a glare and said yup your definitely getting fired I can't believe you didn't listen to anything Captain Nash said wait actually I can believe you didnt listen to anything he said cause you don't seem to have a brain, so please take your no brain self somewhere else so you don't fuck up this job for me got it? He kept looking at me and I said what? didn't I tell you to get lost and he's like well well well your.. your a jerk! and I laughed and said WOW nice insult Hannah Montana and then I turned around and walked away. So after a day of getting talked to by the Captain and cleaning the fire station from head to toe I finally got to go home and thank god Captain Nash offered to drive and as nervous as I was that he was asking to drive me home I said yes cause I got driven here by Buck and I don't think I could take a ride back from Buck and his mouth that never shuts up, I am home all I want to do is relax and spend time with my boyfriend Paul but he's not home from his job yet so I am just going to relax and make some food while I wait for him. So its been about 30 mins since I've been home and I am finally on the couch eating and relaxing and then Paul comes walking in and I was excited for him to be back so we could spend time together but something was up with him so I walked up and said hey babe and then I figured out what was up he smelled horribly of alcohol he smells like someone soaked him in it and I said where were you and he said no where and pushed me out of the way and started walking to the bedroom we shared and of course I followed him and grabbed his arm and he said what do you want can't I get changed without an interrogation and I said yes except when you come home smelling like you got a hundred bottles of vodka dumped on you anyways why have you been drinking so much and what made you so upset that you drank this much and he turned out around and said nothing leave it alone Maia and I said no I'm not leaving it alone what is up with you lately Paul and he said nothing just stop bothering me about it okay and he turned around to walk away again and I went to grab his around and before I could process what just happened I was on the floor holding my face cause it was red and stung snd then I realized he punched me in the face and I looked at him and I said why did you just do that and he said thats what you get for asking to many questions and just as I was going to say something back the doorbell rang and he said you better go get that before whoever it is gets suspicious, now go. So I get up and walk to the door trying cover up my face with my hair so I open the door and its........

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