First Night At Home With Baby Jackson

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You've had lots of visitors since you've had the baby and they all brought him gifts and brought you food. Your excited because today your going home. Your in sweats and a matching shirt because you just got out of the shower like 3 hours ago and during those 3 hours while you were freshening up while Nic was spending time with your son. Your gonna marry him one day because he's the one for you. When you got out Nic handed you your son and went to go get the car seat and take your bags to the car so it will be an easier way to get out of the wheelchair. When he came back into the room your baby was crying and he sat his car seat down and picked him up.

Nic: Hey hey shhhhhh don't cry daddy's got you. Shhhhh. He began to sing that song from Shrek again and that calmed him down. He then put him in his car seat with your help and now you were waiting for the nurse. When she handed you the discharge papers and you signed them you were no home free. You held your son all the way to the car. His mom had taken your stuff home yesterday so you guys could just bring him home. When you guys got to his house you had people waiting for you guys.

Logan came over to you first.

Logan: Hey sis how are you and Jackson doing?

Y/N: Good. Let's go inside I have a surprise for you.

Logan: Ok.

You set the car seat on the table and you took him out and he opened his eyes for everyone to look at him and Logan was sitting on the couch waiting to hold him.

Y/N: Baby Jackson lets go see uncle Logan.

When you got to him Logan smiled.

Logan: Come here Jackson let uncle Logan hold you.

He held him and that brought up his middle name.

Nic: Hey Logan we have a surprise for you.

Logan: And what is that?

Y/N: We named him after you.

Logan: No way what's his middle name?

Nic: Logan.

Logan: Thank you guys.

Y/N: Your welcome.

As he was holding onto your son he handed him to Nic and went to your sons room. When you  got there you undressed him to change his diaper. He didn't like that at all. He didn't like that because as soon as his onesie was off he rolled over to look at you guys. You both quickly changed him and Nic held him. Then you held him.

Y/N: Hey hey shhhh. Shhhhh.

Logan came up there to see him and he held him.

Logan: Hey shhhhh don't cry little man shhhhh.

He finally stopped crying and you put him in his crib and got him to take a nap. You guys went back to the living room and you can finally eat. After you eat you lay your head on Nic's lap and he smiles at you. Your trying to keep your eyes open but you finally give in and fall asleep on his lap. You were so tired you just couldn't do anything and that hurt you the most. You were so sleepy but it was worth it because you had your son. You were sleeping when you heard your son Jackson cry and you went to Nic's room. When you got to his room you seen that he was awake and you picked him up from the crib. He stopped crying and looked at you.

Y/N: Oh my boy my beautiful boy let's go find daddy.

You carried him downstairs and you saw that every one was outside so you decided to go see them.

Nic's POV: I had left Y/N to sleep in the living room and came outside with my mum and Logan. We were talking when the screen door opened and Y/N was standing there with baby Jackson. His eyes were open and I went over to them.

Y/N: Who is that?

She asked Jackson. He just looked at me. I picked him up and started walking around with him. The fans have only seen the picture of him the day he was born so I decided to post another pic for the fans. Ever since Jackson was born a lot of fans have made fan accounts for our son. They're actually really cool. I look at my son and then at Y/N and I'm really lucky. I'm lucky I met Y/N when I did because if I didn't I wouldn't have my baby boy Jackson. I look at him and see that he's laying on my chest and I smile at him. None of the other cast members have met Jackson yet and I can't wait for them to meet him. Filming for chapter 2 starts soon and I can't wait to take Jackson on his first flight. I'm so excited.

I look at Y/N and I know that she's the most beautiful girl in the world. Even though we've only been dating for a little while I know want to spend the rest of my life with her and I want her to know that. I need her to know that she's the one for me I only have eyes for her I love her I won't hurt her I'll take care of her until the day I die. She needs to know how special she is to me and Jackson is just apart of that. I love her and I'm never letting her go.


You can't wait to see what life has in store for you and Nic and your excited for the future for your son Jackson. You can't wait to be able to say that Nic Hamilton is yours and only yours. Your gonna take him off the market and your gonna make everyone else know that he has your heart and you have his. Your never letting him or Jackson go. Ever.

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