Giving Birth On Vacation

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You are now 9 months pregnant and your 39 weeks. You had your last doctors appointment a couple hours ago. You saw your doctors friend whose also a doctor and she gave you the list of things that she found helpful to help start labor. You left the office with the reassurance that you needed and that made you feel better. You guys are having a baby boy and your so excited and so is Nic. You can't wait until he gets here so you can love on him all the time.

Your on vacation with Nic and your brother Logan. They both know how important this is to you and so you getting to have both of them there with you made you happy.

You and Nic was in the living room of your air BNB that your staying in and you looked at your list and tried the first thing on there. You were in slight pain but nothing you couldn't handle. Since your in Nic's hometown in Australia his mom was on edge all the time waiting for the call. It was your last day there in the air BNB and you had all of your stuff in the trunk to go stay at his moms house. When you got to the car Nic could tell something was slightly wrong.

Nic: You ok Y/N?

Logan: You ok sis?

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine I had a slight cramp that took my breath away let's go to your moms house.

Logan sat in the front along with Nic while you sat in the back.

Nic: Rest up beautiful you'll need it.

Y/N: Oh I don't think I'll need sleep I can just run on caffeine.

Logan: Y/N I may not know anything about being pregnant but you need sleep so you can be refreshed and strong when you go into labor.

Nic: He's right baby.

Y/N: Ok I'll take a nap.

As soon as you said that you were out like a light. You woke up to Nic rubbing your cheek.

Nic: Wake up gorgeous.

He whispered.

Y/N: We here?

Nic: Yeah.

Logan: I'll help you outta the car.

Y/N: Ok.

They helped you outta the car and his mom met you guys at the front door.

Mama Hamilton: Oh Y/N look at you. You look absolutely gorgeous you must be tired.

Y/N: I am.

Mama Hamilton: Well I have a spot for you on our air mattress Nic has one as well as your brother.

Y/N: Thanks Mrs. Hamilton.

Mama Hamilton: Your welcome love.

She helped you into the living room and by the time you got settled his older brother Joshua came into the living room with his girlfriend.

JJ: Y/N you look like you could pop any second.

Y/N: Oh I know you excited to be an uncle?

JJ: Yeah.

J/GF/N: So Nic has told us all about you and your baby boy how are you doing?

Y/N: Good.

J/GF/N: Good. I'll be here setting up the closet for your son I had to take half of Nic's clothes and put them on his bed so your baby would have clothes. Some are home made and some aren't. I also have the job of making sure everything is clean for when he comes home. Their mum says I'm good at it.

Y/N: Ok well I obvi won't bother you I can't walk up the stairs to his room anyways and thank you for helping. Means a lot.

J/GF/N: Your welcome. Have their mum call if you need anything.

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