Hanging Out With Nic

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You had woke up early because today your going to be hanging out with Nic. You was texting your mom when there was a knock on your door so you went to go answer it. When you opened it you saw Nic standing there looking good as hell. You didn't know that you were starring at him until he waved his hand in front of your face.

Nic: See something you like?

Y/N: Maybe. Nic your not supposed to flirt with me remember we're not going on a date we're hanging out.

Nic: I know I just couldn't help it.

He laughed.

Nic: You ready to go?

Y/N: Yeah just let me tell Logan.

Nic: Ok.

Y/N: Hey Logan me and Nic are going to hangout you need plenty of rest for tomorrow so if you need me I'll have my phone.

You whispered.

Logan: Ok we'll have fun.

He said sleepily.

Y/N: I will.

You then kissed him on the forehead grabbed the room key and headed out the room. While you were getting your stuff placed in your pockets you thought about everything that has happened within a span of 2 days. You and Nic wouldn't be a bad combo but he's friends with your brother Logan and that's kinda a problem but you can overcome that problem.

You and Nic have went outside for a walk and you guys were just mindlessly talking about things life and just other stuff in general. You two have found out that you have some of the same things in common and you would get really excited when he got so passionate about what he was talking about. You guys sat down and took a break and were just talking when his phone buzzed.


It was his mom.

Mum: Hey Nic I've been called into work so I can't stay while you film so I had to leave I'm really sorry love you. Xoxo.

Nic: It's alright mum don't worry about it. Love you too.

He then put his phone away.

Nic: Sorry about that my mum had texted me.

Y/N: It's ok don't worry about it.

Nic: So what do you wanna do now?

Y/N: I don't know.

Nic: Wanna go watch tv in my room and maybe go to the pool?

Y/N: Yeah sure.

As you guys were walking back to the hotel you had your hand swinging lightly and you felt his hand brush against yours. You both looked at each other and could feel the electricity flow through you when that happened. You just blushed and he smirked. You guys got back to the hotel went to your floor and got your swim suit and then went to his room.

Nic: After you.

He said opening the door.

Y/N: Thank you.

Nic: No problem.

You sat your stuff down and sat on the couch.

Nic: You want anything to drink?

Y/N: Water will be fine thanks.

When he came up from the fridge you saw that he had two bottles of water in his hands.

Nic: Here you are love.

He said handing you a water bottle.

Y/N: Thanks.

You said smiling.

Nic: What do you want to watch?

Y/N: I don't know let me see what's on.

Nic: Ok.

You browsed around to see what was on and you saw that Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 was on. So you clicked on it and began to watch it. During the movie you felt his arm go around your shoulder and that caused you to lean into him. You guys stayed like that until after the movie was over. When it was over you were so eager to get into your swim suit that you forgot Nic was there. So you changed quickly and looked over at him with wide eyes.

Y/N: Nic I'm so sorry.

Nic: It's ok love.

Y/N: Well hurry up I wanna swim.

Nic: Ok ok chill out.

He got on his swim trunks and got your stuff  and headed to the pool. When you guys got there it was just you two. So you took off your stuff as did he and you jumped into the water. When you resurfaced you could see the water laying perfectly over his body. You shook your head. You couldn't be thinking about your new friend like that your afraid you'd scare him off. When you got to the pool you guys swam and played around when your phone started ringing.

Y/N: Hello.

Logan: Hey uh Y/N I'm going to get food you want anything?

Y/N: You already know my order you can hang out with us if you want when you get back.

Logan: Ok got to go love you.

Y/N: Love you too.

As soon as you were off your phone you got back into the pool and you and Nic started playing around. You were trying to get away from him when he cornered you on one side of the pool. You just looked at him and he lifted you up so he was holding you and your legs wrapped around his waist. You ran your hands down his strong arms and you saw the way that his muscles tensed and then relaxed and you did something you never thought you would do. You kissed him. When you pulled away you were shocked at what you did and couldn't bring yourself to look at him. When he pulled your head up to look at him you didn't know what to say. So you started stuttering.

Y/N: N-Nic I didn't I mean uh.

Nic: It's ok.

You looked at him and he sat down on the pool steps with you sitting on his lap and he kissed you and you kissed back. When you pulled away you were just in shock but you knew that right in that moment you had to have him.

Y/N: We'll talk about this after filming.

Nic: Yeah I don't know what that feeling was but I liked it like I like you.

Y/N: I like you too but I'm afraid.

Nic: Afraid of what?

He asked while he ran a hand over your hair smoothing it out.

Y/N: To get hurt again.

Nic: I won't hurt you. Just give me a chance please?

Y/N: Can I think about it?

Nic: Take as much time as you need if you say yes we're going on a date.

Y/N: Ok. Cool.

You guys smiled and continued to hang out. You looked at the time and you both walked towards his door. When you get to the outside of the doorway and he's standing by the door with one hand on the wall he looks at you.

Nic: I'll text you tomorrow morning so we can meet up before we have to go to set.

Y/N: Ok. I'll be waiting. Goodnight Nic.

He smiled.

Nic: Goodnight Y/N.

He said as he shut the door. Logan was gonna know what's up one way or another but you'll tell him when your ready. Just not now. You want to confirm your feelings before you tell your brother because you want him to be the first one to know because he's that important to you. You can't wait to see what Nic has in store for you tomorrow.

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