Talking About Having Another Baby

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You've been thinking about having another child and you think it would be great to see how your loving son would be with another baby in the house. You've been wanting to talk to Nic about this but you don't think it's the right time after what happened with your son you don't think he could handle that again.

You were laying in bed trying to fall asleep but you know you can't with this thought on your mind. You have to tell Nic and if you don't tell him this thought that you have will eat you alive and you just have to tell him. You were just starring at the ceiling when you felt him cuddle you and scaring you making you jump.

Y/N: Jesus Nic you scared me.

Nic: *Rubs your arm* Sorry love I didn't mean to. Whatcha thinking about?

Y/N: It's nothing go back to sleep.

Nic: It's not nothing if you can't go back to sleep. Come on babe tell me.

He sat up against the headboard and brought you up so you were on his lap. He ran his fingers through your hair.

Nic: Now tell me what's been running through that pretty little head of yours?

Y/N: Well I've been thinking.

Nic: About what?

Y/N: I've been thinking about trying for another baby.

Nic: Really?

Y/N: Yeah but I didn't think it was the right time because with Jackson's cancer scare and with my accident that happened recently before the wedding and if we had another baby I don't think you could or would be able to go through all that again. I've been meaning to ask you about it I just didn't know when the right time would be to try for another baby. To give Jackson a sibling to love care and to protect.

Nic: I mean I've also been thinking about trying for another baby and I think Jackson would make a great big brother to his little brother or sister.

Your eyes got wide.

Y/N: Really? You've been thinking about this also?

Nic: Yeah I think it would be nice for Jackson to have a sibling to play with.

Y/N: When do you want to start trying?

Nic: Whenever your ready.

Y/N: Are you sure you want to try for another baby?

Nic: Yeah I'm ready if your ready.

Y/N: I'm ready I'm just.

Nic: Just what?

Y/N: I'm just worried that Jackson will think that we're not paying attention to him enough while also having a new baby in the house.

Nic: You don't have to worry about that baby.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Nic: Well when the baby comes I plan on taking him out on trips to the store and get him some big bro stuff and play with him while your busy with him or her but then at night he'll spend time with his grand parents and uncles and I'll be all yours then.

Y/N: I think that's a wonderful idea babe I was also thinking about trying when we got into Tennessee. If you want to that is. If you don't then we can wait till we get home to try.

Nic: We can try in Tennessee and we can try when we get home.

Y/N: That sounds good.

You gave him a kiss.

Y/N: What time do we have to be at the airport the next day?

Nic: Don't worry about that babe let's just enjoy tomorrow.

He kissed your forehead and you guys laid back down.

You turned around to find him starring at you.

Y/N: What?

He leaned on his elbow and ran his other hand over your face. He looked at you with love in his eyes.

Nic: Your so beautiful. I'm very very very very lucky to have someone so gorgeous and so perfect as you I get to call my wife.

Y/N: I'm the lucky one. I have someone so perfect and so sexy I get to call my husband.

He looked at you and you looked at him. He leaned in and kissed you. You kissed back and it was slow and sweet at first but then it began to get heated. You pulled away from him.

Nic: What's wrong? Why'd you stop babe?

Y/N: Are we doing this now like right now?

Nic: Yes.

Y/N: But what about in Tennessee?

Nic: *Puts Finger Over Your Mouth* Shhhhh please just let me have you tonight please. Please.

You pulled him to you and kissed him. He didn't hesitate to kiss you back. Blankets were shed as well as clothes and you shared your first night together as husband and wife. When you woke up the very next morning you turn to see Nic looking at you. He just smiled at you.

Y/N: Good morning handsome.

Nic: Good morning gorgeous.

Y/N: Last night was-.

Nic: Perfect.

Y/N: Was I ok-?

Nic: You were absolutely perfect.

You guys looked at each other. Then an idea came to mind.

Nic: Was I ok last night?

Y/N: Huh you know what I can't remember?

Nic: You can't remember?

Y/N: Nope.

Nic: Is that right?

Y/N: Want to help me remember?

Nic: Absolutely.

He kissed you just like he did last night and the events from last night start to replay in your mind.

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