Creature Of The Night

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While staring idly out the window, Maria squinted and leaned closer. Was that...smoke? All the way out here?
"Stop the carriage!" She called to the driver. As soon as it jerked to a halt, Maria slipped out the carriage door, excited at the prospect of civilization all the way out here. Or at least company, she hadn't talked to anyone besides the old carriage driver for ages.
"My lady, I must insist you don't-" he called, but she was already picking her way through the foliage.

Riding along the trail he took notice of a funnel of smoke. With hope of it being his brother, he heads to investigate. Soon he comes across a put out camp fire with a dead rodent. There was a bleeding knocked out man that looked rather familiar.
"Brother?" Stephen call out jumping off of his horse and kneeling by his side. He pulled his brother onto him and held his brother that he believed was dead.

Tobias, per usual, was guiding his horse through the forest. His wolverine cloak had grown worn and too short for his liking. He chuckled to himself, remembering when he used to complain about it being too long. Toby had decided that it would be quicker and easier to use wolf fur for a cloak. It was harder to catch them around this time of year, but he'd try his hand at traps.
He was feeling a bit down, as his first trap had a rabbit snared in it, not a wolf. It was a bit of a shocker, a little disappointing as well, but it wasn't too much of a loss. He was able to get a bit of meat and could trade the fur. Tobias stopped when he happened upon a trail. Not too far away was a carriage, and a young woman walking away from it. "Well, hello there." He murmured to himself and looked over at his hunting mutt, Oliver, who was busy sniffling at the road.
"Ollie." He said sharply as he mounted his horse. The dog looked up expectantly at the male, excited to be of use. "C'mon." He set off, keeping some distance between him and the woman. He wondered of what she was doing.

The scent of death was heavy in the air. There was also the scent of curiosity, fear, grief, and fresh blood. But no mortal man could smell this. Someone was very close to dying.
Leaning on a tree Lestat watches them. Hardly able to be seen. His beautiful eyes watched the scene he had found with curiosity.

Stephen jumps as a figure appears out of no where. What was this guy doing out in the middle of the woods at these hours? Stephen watched the stranger's every move.
Lestat grins as the man seemed startled. He knew the guy wanted to say more but the situation was more important. He stops leaning on the tree and slowly approaches. This man had no idea of creature before him.

Kneeling down beside of the two he considered his options. He likely would not make a meal of them. After all he preferred the blood of a young lady or a royal, but he didn't know that these two where of royal blood.
Lestat examines the stab wound, that had gone all the way threw this mortal man. "Your brother is still alive. But there is nothing to be done." Lestat stands up and walks a little ways away and turns back to them and approached them again.
"You know what, there are a few things I could do." Lestat pricked his fingertip with his glass like nails and watched Stephen's reaction.

Stephen watches in confusion. "I never told you he was my brother..." Stephen says watching the stranger. "Who-What are you?" He questioned.
"I am the only way your brother survives."

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