Dinner With A Immortal

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Kansa stands up and walks over behind his little brother, he still appears to be a little boy. Louis watches the boy as he walked a circle around him, what was he doing?

Kansa once behind Louis turns back into his normal self and puts a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Well, well, well, look who it is." Kansa says as he moves to his brothers side. "The smell of death is recent and strong on you brother." Kansa then moves to Louis other side keeping his one hand on Louis shoulder.

Solomon was shocked as a little boy had turned into a full sized man right before his eyes. What all was in these weird woods? Is he hallucinating from poison?

Lilliana let out a gasp as a child turned into a man. Her face was filled with shock and a little terror. She looked at the other child, and to the vampire.
Lestat grins slightly as he watches all of the people. The one did smell like death. "I don't know if you heard me or was ignoring me but I am going to have dinner at my mansion and I was inviting ALL of you to join me." Lestat says looking at Lilliana. She was the only one here who knew what he was. He looked back to the others not caring that the one child turned into a full grown man.

Martin spy's on the people on the campfire. His eyes go wide as one of the children turn to a man. Looking back to the vampire as he invited the people to dinner. Although the people would likely be the vampire's dinner...

"Follow me, dinner is waiting." Lestat says making his leave into the dark forest, although it wasn't dark to him. He didn't bother to see if they where following him.

"Shall we?" Stephen asks as he stands up. "Sure. Why not?" Solomon responds following behind Lestat. Stephen also joins them.
Louis walks behind Lestat with his brother at his side.
Kansa stays beside of Louis "This will be a good time for us to catch up with each other." Kansa tells Louis whom remained silent.
Camara stays close behind them keeping a close eye on them, what was he doing?
Lilliana hesitantly follows the group.
Gabriel walks beside of Camara. He could smell something was off about Lestat. The stench of old death was strong in him.

After a while of walking, the forest opened up into a field, with a beautiful mansion.
"Here we are. My home." Lestat says outstretching his arms to gather attention to his home.
Walking up to the porch, he opens the door and invites everyone inside.
Leading the way to the dining room, he informs the maids of company. Sitting at the end of the table, he motions for them to sit down.

Stephen walks inside and into the dining room and sits down on the right side in the middle. He wondered why Lestat lives in such a big house all alone. This was a strange man.
Solomon has a seat beside of his brother Stephen.
Kansa has a seat at the other end of the table in front of Lestat, Camara sits at the corner of the table near Kansa, Louis sits near Lestat. Lilliana joined them.
They all looked around in amazement.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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