A few years later/he finds you

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About four years after Dreadwing had left you had gotten a house of your own a few miles away from your dad's house. You were enjoying your life, but you still missed Dreadwing. Little did you know was that he had been able to come back to Earth. He had been searching for you for several months and as soon as he found where you were living he flew as fast as he could to your house. When he arrived at your house you ran to see who landed near your home.

Dreadwing activated his holoform and walked over to you. Your eyes widened when you saw that it was him. When he got to where you were standing you pulled him in for a kiss.

"I missed you so much." You said after you pulled away for air.

"I have missed you as well." Dreadwing said as he rested his forehead against yours.

After a while you showed him around your farm. When you showed him around your house he was happy to see that you had gotten the furniture and stuff that he had gotten you. That evening during dinner he told you about what had happened on Cybertron and you told him about your life.

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