Finding out the gender and something else

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Just recently Dreadwing had somehow gotten a medical scanner from somewhere. You suspected that he got it from one of the old caves that Shockwave used to use as a lab. So today you would finally be finding out the gender of your baby. Right now you and Dreadwing were out in your yard. He of course was in his Cybertronian form right now.

"Just stand perfectly still." Dreadwing told you.

You did as he said and stood perfectly still as he pressed the button on the scanner. When the light from the scanner went over your body a few times you started to worry that something would be wrong with your baby. The frown on his face didn't help you. But when he smiled you relaxed a little.

"It appears that we are having twin femlings." Dreadwing said as he put the scanner down on the ground and activated his holoform.

"Are they healthy?" You asked him.

"Yes, they are." He replied as he pulled you in for a kiss.

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