Gyeong's Love

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Taeguk loved his best friend so naturally he wanted to spend time together. The boy was over the moon when Gyeong finally accepted his request to hang out. Recently Gyeong had been more interested in his lover, Byungwoo aka Taeguk's mortal enemy.

"Yeah I'm on my way." Taeguk said to the speaker of the phone. He grabbed his keys and strolled out the house. Gyeong's chuckle left the speaker of the phone which also put an adorable smile on Taeguk's face.

"Oh yeah is it okay if Byun joins?"

Those eight words made Taeguk stop in his tracks. Of course he'd invites his boyfriend. That was bound to happen when Gyeong was deeply in love with a evil, rude, controlling snake as Taeguk likes to call him. (He even said it a few time to his face, causing a small war in between the two boys.)

"Seriously yeong? I thought we were having a best friend day."

"But you should've seen the puppy eyes he was giving me. They were so sad and I love him too much to see him sad." Gyeong said with a happy tune, completely dense to the fact that his best friend is completely on love with him.

"Whatever I'll see you in a bit dork."


Taeguk waited and waited but there was no sign of Gyeong. They both agreed to meet next to the build a bear shop since it was their favorite since they were little although it was a mission to convince Taeguk that it was too expensive. Just as he was about to give up Gyeong and his boyfriend appear, laughing and smiling unlike Taeguk who wore a frown.

"Why are you pulling that face?" Gyeong asked once he calmed down.

"I told you to meet here half an hour ago-" Taeguk said coldly. He didn't want to scream, knowing it would attract more attention but Taeguk couldn't hold back emotions very well.

"Byun wanted to see the new cafe." Gyeong explained. "I'm sorry Guk I didn't mean to upset you."

"Whatever let's just go." Taeguk said as Gyeong followed after him, aware of the anger dripping off every word. It was never his intentions to upset his best friend but he didn't want to upset his boyfriend who got angry very easily. Maybe Gyeong was scared to say no to him...?


The rest of the day was terrible to say the least. Taeguk regretted not leaving earlier, telling Gyeong that he was more interested in his jerk of a boyfriend than he was in hanging out with him.

"So Taeguk I heard that your brother threatened someone." Byun spoke, a disgusting smirk on his face as the words left his mouth.

"That's got nothing to do with you." Taeguk snapped as he finished off his ice cream.

"Guys can we not start this here?" Gyeong said aware of the people on the nearby tables who were already giving them nasty glares.

"And I heard that your dads do inappropriate business for money."

Taeguk looked up from where he was staring. "You don't know fuck all about me. Don't you dare talk about my family that way, actually don't talk to me at all. Gyeong if you want to hang out than it's me and you or nothing. I'm sick of him, he hates me, I hate him and I don't want to be third wheeling you both all the time."

With that said Taeguk got up from his seat and left.


As soon as Taeguk got home he dropped onto the couch with a sigh. Luckily for him no one was around except for Jungkook who didn't really want to know the details unlike Taehyung would would poke at the subject until Taeguk had told him. Unfortunately for Taeguk Jungkook seemed to be in a meddling mood.

"Hey what's up with you?" He said as he continued to type away on his laptop.

Taeguk and Jungkook always had a strong relationship. It would get to the stages where Taeguk would allow Jungkook to baby him. This might sound childish to you but Taeguk really wouldn't care what you think.

"Nothing." Taeguk mumbled into the pillow. Jungkook sighed before closing the laptop and setting it aside.

"You know you can't hide things from me." Jungkook said as he pulled the boy into a cuddle, something he was used to doing with his boy.

"Gyeong decided to bring his stupid boyfriend when we were supposed to hang out and he was rude all day. I was third wheeling all day but he didn't even care! He was so interested in that snake that we didn't even talk that much." Taeguk said leaving out the part where Byunwoo cussed his family.

"Its okay Gukkie, he's in love you have to let him be even if it's not with you. You're gonna find someone too. Besides the less time you spend with Byunwoo the better. He's toxic."

Taeguk hummed not really convinced by the words but wanted to drop the topic. The two spent the rest of the day joking around and just enjoying the time they had together.

I have a confession. I have no idea how a normal family works. I don't want to get into the details but my family isn't very loving that's why Taekook's child makes no sense at all. But I'mma try harder in this book 💓☁ hopefully you guys like this book more ~ !

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