That's enough

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A/n: so that's minjae ⬆ I tried to get him to look like Jimin and Yoongi but that's difficult sjsjsj but he's still super handsome shjaka

"It was so much fun Guk. We went on ride after ride after ride until Byun felt like he was going to throw up." Gyeong giggled. "He's just so perfect you know. There's no one else I would want to spend my forever with. Just everything about him is so perfect, like an angel sent to take away all my worries."

Taeguk sighed mentally. He had finally got his best friend to hang out with him without the soul sucking demon but all he did was talk about said boy. Taeguk was starting to think that he was crazy for ever thinking Gyeong would love anyone besides Byunwoo. Maybe it was time to move on? Well it wasn't like he could just throw all his feelings in the bin and pretend they never happened otherwise he would have already done that. 

There's billions of people in the world and of course he had to fall for him.

"Guk are you even listening to me?"

"No, I was thinking about Minjae."

Gyeong furrowed his eyebrows. Why would a sweet boy like Taeguk be thinking about such an emotionless rock. He was boring, uncaring and rude (at least that's what Gyeong says he is.) 

"Anyway so Byun was so happy when I brought him that snow globe. It was kind of over priced but that smile is worth it all. Honestly I have no idea what you have against my angel. He's the sweetest baby to ever exist." Gyeong sighed in content as Taeguk's heart cried, knowing that Gyeong would never talk about him with so much love and passion.

"Gyeong I think I should leave. Jungtae is still in trouble from yesterday and I want to make sure that my family is okay." Taeguk left as soon as he said those words, not wanting to feel the pain spreading across his chest. Confusion flowed through his veins as if he became one with the emotion. He loves Gyeong so why was he thinking about Minjae? Taeguk knew that he wasn't in love with Minjae, he couldn't be. They were bros, nothing more, nothing less. With an overthinking mind Taeguk ran home. 

The door opened and closed, alarming the family that someone had entered the home. Jungtae was in his room, studying since he was grounded and wasn't allowed to touch his phone, the TV or his games. Taeguk felt sorry for him and was kind of proud that he would defend his sister like that.

"Hey baby, how was your day out with Gyeong?" Jungkook asked as he paused the movie he was watching with Taehyung. 

"I don't know."

Jungkook frowned before he held his arms open for his first born who gladly accepted. "I'm stupid for loving him. He'll only ever love that demon that crawled up from hell. I'm confused appa I don't know what my heart wants."

"Well I think you should-"

"Follow your heart babe. It might be confusing as to what it's saying now but you can't always come running to your appa for him to tell you what do next. Think carefully about what you think is best for you and you'll learn from the mistakes and hurt even if Jungkook wants to protect you from the entire world." Taehyung said as he snuggled into Jungkook's side who frowned.

"I guess I could. Thanks." Taeguk said before leaving to his and Jungtae's bedroom.

"Baby you can't hold Taeguk forever. You have to let him stand on his own two feet." Taehyung said as he held Jungkook's chin to make him hold eye contact. "I know you love them, I do too but if we do everything for them and solve every problem what are they going to do when they have to move out or have their own family?"

"I know but I just worry for him. He's the only one who doesn't know what to do with his emotions."

"Kookie don't be silly. None of them know what to do with their emotions why do they think Jungtae tried to choke someone?" Taehyung said as he shook his head at the male who sheepishly smiled.

"Just kiss me." Jungkook said, holding Taehyung's waist.

"You're not off the hook." Taehyung giggled as he placed his lips on Jungkook's for a long kiss. His arms found their way to Jungkook's neck and pulled him closer if that was even possible. 

"Gross." Jungtae mumbled only to  realise that he had given himself away and that his parents were aware that he snuck out of his room.

"Get back to your room."

"At least I tried."

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