my love (m)

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Thank you MESSYX for writing this ♡♡

Everything seemed right for once and Taeguk felt like he was finally getting what he deserved. But there was one problem. It wasn't anything major at least not for me and you but Taeguk was so frustrated. I don't mean as in angry or annoyed with his relationship, I mean sexual frustration. God was it driving him mad especially when Minjae insisted on cuddling shirtless because he was too hot.

There was a few other issues with this, Taeguk had never had sex before and Jungkook would definitely go mad.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Minjae asked. Currently the family had gone out for a dinner but Taeguk wasn't really feeling it.

"Nothing just kiss me."

Minjae chuckled but followed the orders, pulling Taeguk down onto his lap and connecting their lips. It was a sweet kiss but it did not help Taeguk's frustration.

Taeguk whined into the kids making Minute stop all movements.

"You okay?" Minjae asked, scanning the others face to see if he was hurt.

"Min we've been together a month now right?"


"Can we do something special?"

"Sure wanna go out?" Minjae asked completely oblivious to Taeguk's frustration.

"No Min!" Taeguk started. He wasn't sure on how to tell Minjae that he was ready. "I mean something really special. Something that people take a while to be ready for."

"You wanna get married?!" Minjae screamed. "Guk I love you but I'm not ready for that."

Taeguk giggled at the other. He didn't know if he was playing around or if he genuinely didn't know. "Min...I uh...I want to do the thing with you. I want you to be my f-first."

"You wanna have sex?" Minjae asked with no filter making the other blush and nod his head. "You could have just said."

Minjae was quick to lay the other onto his bed and make sure he was comfortable. He started with a soft kiss but like Taeguk his patience was thin. Taeguk whined loudly which went straight to Minjae's pants. Minjae licked Taeguk's bottom lip but the other didn't seem to understand. So Minjae bit the bottom of Taeguk's lip, earning a gasp and letting his tongue explore Taeguk's wet cavern.

Taeguk was letting out the most sinful noises, not used to the amount of pleasure and attention.

"Okay baby, this is you first time so let's see some soft rules. Don't push yourself into doing anything for me and if it hurts too much tell me okay?" Minjae said before running his thumb along Taeguk's bottom lip.

Taeguk nodded, his heart swelling from the way Minjae cared so much.

Their lips connected again, satisfying both of them. Minjae's hands went down Taeguk's chest and onto the hem of his shirt. With one swift movement it was off and on the floor.

The younger became shy and let out a small whine. Minjae smirked before taking off his shirt making Taeguk drool at the sight.


"Shh baby I got you." Minjae smiled fondly at the boy before placing his lips harshly onto the others. His hands trailed down to Taeguk's thighs and Minjae gave them a light squeeze, gaining the most perfect gasps.

Soon both were making out in their boxers and their patience was fading quickly. The urge to make love was high but both were scared as this was their first time.

Minjae's fingers curled around the boxers waistband as he made eye contact with Taeguk who gave him a hesitant nod.

Minjae was unsure of whether he should continue or stop but when Taeguk start to let out the cutest whines he couldn't help but to be curious of what other noises he could pull out of the other.

Taeguk positioned himself, unsure of what would happen but he was ready. The first thing he felt was Minjae's finger prod his hole. It was weird but he was willing to give it a go. The feeling of being stretched wasn't painful but kind of uncomfortable. Taeguk let out little gasps every time Minjae moved his finger.

The older watched carefully until he was completely sure that Taeguk was ready for another finger, before he knew it Taeguk had 3 fingers deep inside of him.

"M-Min kiss me." Taeguk moaned missing the others lips. His wish was immediately granted as Minjae softly placed his lips onto the others. It was a soft and passionate kiss like an attempt to demonstrate all of his love towards Taeguk but that was near impossible as his love for the other was too strong.

"Are you ready?" Minjae whispered as he placed his forehead onto Taeguk.

"Yes, please, hurry~"

Minjae chuckled at the cuteness of the other before his eyes filled with lust. He pushed in slowly whilst Taeguk let out the most painful whines.

"H-Hurts" Taeguk whined out when Minjae was fully inside.

"Do you want to stop?" Minjae asked but was surprised when Taeguk shook his head. The older felt bad, he didn't want Taeguk to be in pain but he wanted this.

"It'll get better, I promise." Minjae whispered before peppering Taeguk with kisses as a distraction.

Soon Taeguk was rocking his hips and moaning for more. Minjae understood before moving slowly. Taeguk let out the prettiest sounds, moaning and whining whenever Minjae moved.

"You're so precious and perfect baby." Minjae groaned. He wanted to hold back to avoid hurting Taeguk but it was getting harder especially when the other was having such a dirty expression.

His lips were parted as he let out a loud whine. His cheeks were a light shade of red and his eyes were tightly shut. Minjae couldn't help but be turned on at just Taeguk's facial expression.

"More ~" Taeguk whined and who was Minjae to say no. The older moved faster and a little harder still scared of hurting the younger. Taeguk let out a lewd moan, he was loving the feeling of the other so deep inside of him.

Minjae's hand went to stroke Taeguk, thinking that it was best that the other didn't come untouched on his first time.

"Taeguk? Taehyung said he needs you to clean your room later." The voice of Jungkook came through the oak door making the two stop.

"O-Oka-y." Taeguk stuttered.

"Is everything okay Guk?" Jungkook asked. He was sure he heard little whined and gasps. Taeguk wasn't having sex, he's Jungkook's baby and was too pure for that right?

"Yes j-just mmm gett-ing uh dressed." Taeguk whined. Minjae kept moving in and out even if there was a high chance they would get caught.

After a few minutes of silence they were sure that Jungkook had left and continued with their heated session.

"Min I fe-el weird."

"Me too baby." Minjae groaned. "Let it go my angel."

The two finished at the same time and dropped onto the bed. After some huffing and puffing they calmed down from their highs. Minjae went to look for a cloth and cleaned their mess. They were close to sleep, cuddled under the blankets. So close to sleep they had almost shut down the outside world but Jungkook bursted through the door.

"You had sex?!"

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