me, you and cliche picnics

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Taeguk had been happier than usual and it was nice to see. Especially for his parents who strived to make their children feel good about life. Although thing seemed to be sorted out and Taeguk’s feelings were starting to make sense, it still wasn’t official at all. Minjae hadn’t asked him on a date nor did they tell their parents what was happening instead they shared little kisses and cuddled but that was pretty much it.

Taeguk was a little annoyed but he thought he’d make the first move. He was sick of waiting. It was exhausting and heart breaking, at least his experience with Gyeong was.
The two were currently at the Min household in Minjae’s room. Taeguk was sitting between Minjae’s legs as he tried to solve the puzzle that was set out in front of him.
“Min I can’t do this, I suck at puzzles.” Taeguk sighed and leaned back into Minjae’s chest. The other immediately pecked Taeguk’s head and continued to draw random shapes along his clothed waist.
“How about we do something else then?” Minjae suggested. “How about I finally take you on a date?”
“Jungtae told you, didn’t he?” Taeguk said, his cheeks dusted in a red colour. He averted his gaze away from the handsome male.
“Actually…” Minjae started, hooking his finger under Taeguk’s chin and looking into his eyes. “Jungtae told Areum who obviously told Parkjae.”
The blush on Taeguk’s cheek only grew. He attempted to break eye contact but Minjae’s eyes were so alluring almost as if they were a trap that Taeguk had fallen into.
“So, let’s ditch the puzzle and go.” Minjae said but pressed his lips onto Taeguk’s.
Now the two teenagers were unemployed so this date wasn’t going to be extremely fancy. Minjae had attempted to get some money from Yoongi but all the male had in cash was some loose change. They were starting to run out of ideas.
“Min, it’s okay. We don’t have to go to a restaurant. Just steal some strawberries from the kitchen and let’s go have a picnic.” Taeguk said, smiling at the worried other.
“But that’s so clicheee” Minjae whined whilst Taeguk shook his head.
“Min come on, stop being a brat.” Taeguk said as he grabbed the strawberries and a checkered blanket. He wanted to tease Minjae by making it more cliché. “I know an abandoned place, it’s pretty and no one ever goes there.”
Minjae nodded before taking the others hand into his and leaving the house.
Taeguk was indeed right. The place was pretty. It was hidden away from the rest of the town which probably explained the lack of people around. There was a little lake in the middle of the grassy area. Trees were scattered around but weren’t tall enough to block the sun from shining on the two boys. Taeguk laid the blanket down and sat down next to Minjae. They were both tired from the walk.
“You weren’t joking when you said this place was pretty.” Minjae said as he laid down making Taeguk giggle.
“Want a strawberry?” Taeguk asked holding one in his hands. Minjae opened his mouth in attempt to get Taeguk to feed him. He was successful, Taeguk placed the strawberry in Minjae’s mouth.
“C’mere.” Minjae said holding out his arms to which the other happily accepted. Taeguk sat on Minjae’s stomach, his hands on the other’s chest to keep him from falling.
“I’m glad this worked out.” Minjae mumbled making Taeguk smile and rest his head on Minjae’s chest.
“I wonder if Gyeong is regretting it all.” Taeguk muttered making Minjae’s heart stop. Taeguk wasn’t over Gyeong yet. Could Minjae be a distraction from all of the mess? He certainly hoped not. Minjae really wasn’t a fan of arguing especially with Taeguk so he kept quiet. His thoughts racing and an uncomfortable feeling spreading across his chest.
“Yes baby.”
“Is having a picnic as a date still cliché?” Taeguk teased but it wasn’t very effective due to the pretty pink blush that set on his face after he heard the pet name.
“Very funny.” Minjae chuckled. “I’ve enjoyed our cliché strawberry picnic.”
“Me too.”

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