my baby is growing up!!

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Jungkook looked between the startled boys before he realised once more that his baby had done the deed. He didn't know why but a sad feeling filled his heart and the pit of his stomach but he wasn't going to show that. He never will and never has. 

"Both of you get dressed." He muttered before turning around and closing the door. His thoughts were messy, so messy that he almost bumped into a cheery Taehyung.

Taehyung giggled when he almost tumbled over but his husband was quick to hold him. He found it amusing every time he collided with Jungkook. "Sorry, I'm always clumsy."

Taehyung looked up to meet Jungkook's dark gaze that wiped off his happy smile and painted a worried one.

"What's wrong?"

"Taeguk just had sex with Minjae." Jungkook blurted.

Taehyung chuckled at this, knowing that Jungkook was extremely over protective but he also knew that he and Jungkook's first time was illegal as they were both underage but he was not going to tell his children that. At least Taeguk had the mind to wait until he was of age. Besides Taehyung and Jimin were sure this was going to happen when they went to dinner. Heck they even discussed it whilst they were waiting for a table without Jungkook knowing of course.

"Honey, it's okay. Taeguk is old enough." Taehyung said before cupping the others face and placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

Jungkook frowned. It was evident that his husband did not see what was happening. His baby was growing up and Jungkook was not going to let that happen even if he had to hold Taeguk's hand for the rest of his life.

"Tae, he's growing up. Next thing you know he'll be married with three kids. Probably a dog too, you know how much he loves dogs. Maybe it'll be a German Sheppard or a golden retriever. I'm not sure he's always liked them both. Maybe he'll surprise us all and get a cat." Jungkook blabbered.

It was common that parents would overthink, Jungkook fell into this category. He was worried for his children and wanted to make sure that they were living life to the fullest. He could remember when his mom would be so dramatic and he would roll his eyes but now he understood.

"And we'll support him with every step he takes." Taehyung smiled. "Face it honey, our children are going to grow up but they'll never forget us. I'll always be here with you and you know that they will, so what are you scared of babe?"

Just as Jungkook opened his mouth to argue, a sheepish looking Taeguk waddled out of the room. His shirt hung on his shoulder in a messy way, his lips were swollen and his neck wore hickeys and love bites. Jungkook frowned at the marks before Taeguk started to defend himself.

"Before I get in trouble I just wanted to say that I'm legal. I broke no rules or laws and personally I don't think I should be grounded, I mean what did I actually do wrong. I didn't want appa to walk in but he did and that's something I can't control but if I could-"

"You ramble just like Kookie. Just shush so I can tell you that you aren't in trouble." Taehyung muttered.

"He's not?"

"I'm not?"

"Kook come on. We both know he's done nothing wrong but Taeguk I don't expect for this to be an everyday thing. God I won't be able to deal with that." Taehyung sternly said but Jungkook was still unfond of the idea of giving his children to other people. "I trust you to make good decisions and me and Jungkook both know that Minjae will look after you. Right Kookie?"

"No! I don't want you having sex ever again otherwise Minjae can't come over again. I don't care if you're legal you can wait until marriage." Jungkook shouted clearly irritated with the way his husband was letting this slip so easily.

"Do you always have to be so over protective? You act as if you've never done it!" Taeguk yelled back clearly annoyed.

"My house, my rules." Jungkook muttered childishly whilst Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm sorry Guk." Taehyung said frowning at his husband who had no regrets. His baby might be 18 but that doesn't mean he needs to be sexually active.

"Ah whatever, it won't happen again." Taeguk said before turning to join Minjae again.

Minjae immediately sensed his boyfriend's dark and gloomy aura. "Babe? What's up?"

"My father is an over protective freak." Taeguk muttered before joining Minjae under his sheets for some cuddles.

"Let's just respect his wishes. I mean he's your father and I know you love him. You'll be angry for now but in a week you won't even remember this."

Taeguk hummed not in the mood to talk about the subject anymore. In fact he would rather sleep off his anger rather than let it out in his dad. Deep down he knew he was wrong but anger blinded him at the moment, he knew he would be fine after a nap.

After all this family could never be broken, no matter the odds.

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