Chapter 12: Winners • Loosers

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Now that Lanie was back to phase one of grief, the guys took turns watching over her.

It was Cedric, Draco, and Harry's shift, when she laughed dryly, "I know what you guys are doing. You are trying to babysit me, right? Well, you're busted so you can just leave."

"We aren't leaving you, love." Cedric whispered, sweetly, resting his chin on her head.

She scoffed, and continued to jot down her Potion's notes.

"Was it three or four Harping Flies in the cauldron?"

"Six, actually..." Draco mumbled.

The girl huffed and grabbed a blank piece of parchment, and dipped her quill into the inkwell, wetting it, and wrote the correct answer down.

"Out of curiosity, did you like what was in the package I gave you the other month?" Cedric asked.

Harry and Draco have him a look that clearly stated, "Really? Her cousin who she considered a sister just died and you ask her if she liked your gift?"

"Oh no, I didn't get a chance to open it." She stood up and walked up the stairs into the girls Dormitory. The boys followed, oblivious that they shouldn't be there, because of school rules.

Lanie walked over to her bed, and opened her Personal Chest, and pulled out the same black package that Cedric had given her. The friends all sat on her bed, uncertain to what was about to go down.

"Do I... open it?" Lanie asked. You could tell her mind was in a different place. She was merely humoring Cedric. Her mind was in a haze of loneliness and confusion.

"Well, yes, that's what you do with a gift." Cedric laughed.

Lanie was about to open it when Cedric was called by the prefect, and had to leave, but insisted that she open it in his absence.

She nodded, and began to unwrap the parcel. She caught her breath at seeing the contents inside.

"What is it?" Draco asked, stretching his neck to see.

The female Hufflepuff emptied the items, one by one, onto the bed.

The first was a snow globe, with a mini Black Lake inside, and in the bottom was the Lake Challenge for the TWT, (Tri Wizard Tournament.) Chained to one of the pillars was a mini figure of Lanie, Hermione, and Fluer Delicore's sister, as well as Ron Weasley.

"Oh, I remember that year!" Lanie smiled slightly, "I almost drowned, because Cedric dropped his wand. Krum swam by and kicked up so much mud at the bottom of the Lake, that Ced couldn't see."

"We all remember that year." Harry grumbled unhappily at the memory.

She then grasped a lovely necklace, in fact, a locket, almost identical to Marin's locket, except this one was decorated with an emerald instead of a diamond.

Inside the locket was a picture of herself and Cedric, laughing at the Ravenclaw's "Lifestyle Lunch" protest, and since in the Wizarding world things are different than the muggle world, the pictures moved, to show both of them, throwing their heads back, in laughter. The Luncheon was a campaign against the lack of vegetation and vegan options during meals at the Great Hall.

Lanie gasped and put the jewelry around her neck, "This is beautiful!"

The next gift was a poem, reading;

"Roses are red, violets are blue, we thought Bristol was great, but hey, look at Cancun."

"I know this poem is sucky and all, but hey, will you go with me to the Yule Ball?"

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