Chapter 11: Blood

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Harry and Draco were finally dating, and they couldn't be happier. Their friends seemed to be fine with the idea of the two of them together, and that only added to their joy. They cared deeply for one other and that was apparent to all that saw them.

"I want you." Harry whispered in a sing-song voice, in Draco's ear, as the Slytherin scribbled down some answers for his Divination class.

The two were laying on their stomachs, looking over notes for Divination class. Well, Draco was looking over notes. Harry was looking at Draco.

"Yes, I know. I'm studying." The blonde mumbled, barely paying attention.

"I really like you." He whispered, slightly biting his boyfriend's ear.

"Uh-huh." Draco muttered, pulling his head away from the aggressor.

"I want all of you." Harry smirked, wrapping his arms behind Draco and putting his legs on either side of Draco, so he was sitting on top of his lower back, with his crotch grinding the taller boy's ass.

"That's interesting. Put that into your paper." Malfoy muttered, thinking about what the tea leaves in Goyle's teacup meant.

"I fancy a nice piece of you right now..."
He muttered, biting his mates ear again, trying his best to seduce the bookworm.

"Oh, really?" Malfoy exhaled, pounding his quill on his parchment, trying to decide if it was air, or just some other element... perhaps earth? He really should've paid attention in class.

"Want me to prove it?" Harry grunted quietly into the blonde's ear, biting more aggressively now.

"What?" The blonde sighed, dropping his quill, and turning his head around, slightly annoyed and slightly aroused.

"I could... and it would be good." Harry winked.

"You could what?"


"No? I'm working on homework." Draco muttered

"Work on me instead."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay I can do better... how about this; You're working on homework? How about you work on homo-work?" Harry nodded, "Good, huh?"

"That was just cheap." The Veela frowned, shaking his head.

"Just say yes and let me slam you up against the desk. Right there. On the table!" Harry begged.

"What on earth has gotten into you?" Draco laughed, ruffling the dark locks of his mate.

"Anywhere, just let me stick it into you!" Harry pleaded.

"Umm no. That was gross and what you're saying is gross." Draco wrinkled up his nose.

"I'm sorry, my hormones are just raging. Just humor me."

"Humor you?"

"Do it... or else." Harry grinned.

"Or else what?"

Harry winked. Abruptly, he began to moan so loudly he was almost screaming, "DRACO! OH! HARDER! HARDER! YES!"

Draco's jaw dropped and he looked utterly horrified."What the bloody hell was that?!"

The instigator winked, "About now would be good."

"No. I'm not doing that. Oh, sorry let me rephrase that. I'm not doing you! No one is going to believe you anyways. They all know you're dominant." Draco said the last sentence with a bit quieter. He hated admitting it.

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