Chapter 17: Fued

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Harry and Draco had started something new. It was a different type of new then it had been before. There was no longer that intense, playful and loving relationship that had blossomed when the two had touched for the first time. That beautiful flower had wilted, and now, they both hated each other.

Once he had left potions class, Draco threw his hands in the air, "I can't believe the nerve! Throwing an egg at me! Me! ME! Draco Malfoy!"

Lanie and Chris had seen Draco, Pansy and Blaise leave, and they followed, confused as to why the Slytherin was freaking out.

"Who?" Lanie glowered about to beat the shit out of a poor kid.

Draco wrinkled his nose, "Saint Potter." He hadn't called Harry that since 4th year.

She suppressed a smile, "Um, you said Potter threw an egg at you?"

He turned around, and stopped so Lanie could get a good look at him. Draco's face was red with anger, and the left side of his face was dripping with a purple yolk, and bits of grey shell resided in his hair. The front of his robes had dribbles off egg as well, and the blonde considered sending it in for dry cleaning.

The female Hufflepuff gasped, "Is that... a Quadle egg?"

Draco nodded fiercely, "Oh! Did you NOW just notice that's why I reek of dirt and slime?!"

Breckinridge took a step back, "Quaddle's are highly radioactive..."

The others stepped away from Draco, and Pansy gasped, "You don't say..."

Draco sneered, "English, please!"

"It means that you're angrier than usual and you're going to explode..." She muttered.

"Explode? Please!" Malfoy snorted, "I won't fucking-" He never did finish that sentence, due to the black smoke and fire that took his place.

Pansy, Chris, Blaise and Lanie gasped.


"OH MY G-"



Everyone looked at Lanie who rolled her eyes, annoyed, "Well I did, didn't I? Don't pretend you didn't hear me!"

"Where the bloody hell is he!?" Blaise asked, searching around the room.

A second later and another POOF of smoke, Draco was there again, on his knees.

Quite a crowd had gathered including the Golden Trio.

Draco's robes had burned off, leaving him in only his white underwear. Oh, damn it. He knew he shouldn't have worn his kiss-print briefs, today...

Everyone laughed at the look on his face. Harry snickering with Ron, smirking at his ex-mate.

Draco felt weak, and attempted to stand, but someone summoned a water spell, which made him slip and hit his head.

Big laugh. Big scream.

Lanie had yelled at the top of her lungs, and sent a spell at the Ravenclaw who had caused Draco to fall.

The boy yelled, and ducked. The spell missed him, and hit Harry smack in the face.

The Hall was quiet, and then...

"Hugh-Hugh- HUUUUGH." Harry began vomiting slugs.

The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws glowered at the Hufflepuffs and the Slytherins, since they were the only ones who had laughed. Okay, Okay, before you get all defensive, take in these pointers.

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