On The Run

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It was almost dark, and Poppy was sitting against the outside of a shop. She felt exhausted from running. She practically ran a marathon at this point. She had no idea where she was, and she was very far away from the orphanage. She started to look around. There weren't a lot of people around. Most of them were in their homes getting ready for bed.

Poppy: "Okay, where do I go from here? If only I had a map. I can't go back to the orphanage."

She then spots a motel up ahead.

Poppy: "Hmm, I've heard of places like that one before. Maybe, I could go there."

Poppy then gets up and makes her way over to the motel. On the inside, the motel looked very old and rundown, but it was still open for anyone. Poppy peeks through the door and then slowly steps inside. As she walked in, she looks around the place.

Poppy: "This place looks creepy."

She finally makes it to the front desk where there was a guy sleeping on the job.

Poppy: "Excuse me?"

The front desk guy wakes up and looks down. He first looks around to see who's voice was that until Poppy said something again and he finally looks down.

Front Desk Guy: "What? It's you? Where's your boots?"

Poppy: "Huh? I don't wear boots. This is my first time here actually. How can you even recognize me?"

Front Desk Guy: "Hmm, I must have mistaken you for someone else. Anyway, what do you want?"

Poppy: "Well, my name is Poppy and well...I need a place to stay for a while."

Front Desk Guy: "Where did you come from?"

Poppy: (thinking) "If I tell this guy I ran away from an orphanage, he'll probably send me back for sure. (talking) Umm, I was told that a stroke brought me on this earth."

Poppy gives a nervous smile. The guy looks at her with a suspicious look rubbing his chin. Poppy still keeps her nervous smile.

Front Desk Guy: "Okay then."

The front desk guy writes Poppy's name in the book and gives her a room key that read 177 on it. Poppy takes it.

Poppy: "Thank you, sir."

Front Desk Guy: "You're very welcome."

Poppy then makes her way up the stairs of the motel. Once she was up there, she scans the doors as she walked past them trying to find her door. She finally found room 177, but the doorknob was a little too high. She jumps, but still no luck. Poppy looks around the area to see and sees a bucket. She grabs the bucket, puts it inside down and pushes it towards the door. Once she did so, she stands on top of the bucket and was finally able to reach the doorknob, unlocks the door and opens it. She jumps down the bucket and enters the room and closes the door behind her. The room had a bed on the left side and a dressing table next to it that was below a window in the middle. There was also a closet on the right and a desk next to it that looked like it was made for writing.

Poppy: "A desk. If only I had my book with me."

Poppy goes over to the desk and looks in the middle draw. Luckily, she was able to find a brown book. She takes it and opens it. There was nothing it. The pages were all blank.

Poppy: "Maybe, I could start from scratch. A new chapter."

In that same draw, she also finds a pencil. She gets up on the chair of the desk and had to stand on the chair because it was too high to reach the desk sitting. She opens the book and starts to write.

Poppy: "November 5th. I'm currently staying at a motel. Starting a new chapter. I do miss Imelda back at the orphanage, but I can't stand to show my face to her after what I have done. I disappointed her. All I can do now is live with it and start a new life, on my own."

Poppy looks out at the window, she saw the sun going down.

Poppy: "It's getting late, so I should probably sleep. Signing off, Poppy."

Poppy closes her book and jumps off the chair. She hops into bed and lays her head down.

Poppy: "Tomorrow is another day."

The little feline closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. The next morning, Poppy wakes up very earlier. She raises her head up and gives a great big yawn. She gets off of bed and heads towards the door. Once she got out of the room, she could see from the balcony a pair of soldiers at the front desk.

Front Desk Guy: "How can I help you, two gentlemen?"

Soldier 1: "Well, we're looking for a little orphan cat that ran away from an orphanage yesterday."

The soldier holds up a picture of her to the front desk guy.

Soldier 1: "Have you seen her?"

Front Desk Guy: "Yes, I actually gave her a room yesterday. She said a stroke brought her. She's in room 177."

Soldier 1: "Thank you, sir."

Poppy becomes shocked and quickly went into her room, locking the door behind her. She knew she had to act fast. She looks around the room to see if there's anything she could use to escape. She then sees the curtains on the window and had an idea. The soldiers started to knock on the door.

Soldier 1: "Open up, we know you're in there."

Poppy head over to the window, rip the curtains down and tie them together to make a rope. She then ties one end to the bedpost and drops the other end out the window. Luckily, it was long enough for a safe escape.

Soldier 2: "Please, if you don't open the door, we'll have to kick it down."

Poppy grabs her book and then takes off down the curtain, making her escape.

Soldier 1: "You leave us with no choice."

The soldiers kick the door down and rush into the room. They saw it empty. They then spot the curtain tied to the bedpost. They rush over to the window and see the little orange cat running away from the place.

Soldier 1: "She's escaping! Come on, run out the front door and catch her."

The second soldier did what he was told and ran out of the room. She rushes down the stairs passing the front desk guy.

Front Desk Guy: "Come again."

Once he makes it out of the door, he spots the little kitten running down the road.

Soldier: "HEY! STOP!"

Poppy just kept on running trying to lose the soldier. The soldier starts running after her. It wasn't had for him to get up close to her since she had little legs. He was able to grab her by the back of the neck, lifting her up.

Soldier 2: "Got ya."

Poppy then starts to struggle out of the soldier's grip, but it was no use. She then reaches for the soldier's helmet and pulls it down covering his face. She was able to get free from his grip and continue her run.

The first soldier runs out right next to the second one as he was able to pull back his helmet.

Soldier 1: "Do you have her?"

Soldier 2: "She got away."

Soldier 1: "You kidding me?! Let's go get her and stop wasting time."

The two soldiers continue their chase.

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