Can't Hide For Long

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The two kittens fell tired as they worked through the middle of nowhere in the hot sun. Misty didn't want to stop moving, but Poppy did.

Poppy: "Misty, can we rest now?"

Misty: "No, we have to keep moving. He might be following us."

Poppy: "I'm so tired and hungry."

Misty: "I still have some food left in my bag here."

Poppy: "You mean the food that you stole?"

Misty: "Shut up! Be lucky we have something to eat."

Misty pulls out a piece of bread out of her bag and hands it over to Poppy. Poppy takes it and starts to eat it.

Poppy: "What about you? Don't you want anything to eat?"

Misty: "I'll eat once we both are safe somewhere."

As the kittens kept walking, they were able to come across another Motel. This one looked even worse than the last one. It looked all beat up from the outside.

Misty: "Great! A motel. We'll just stay there for the night."

Poppy: "I'm not too sure about that. Last time I went into a motel, I was almost caught by soldiers."

Misty: "But this one is in the middle of nowhere. There aren't any soldiers. I'm sure it's fine."

Poppy: "If you say so."

Misty and Poppy went over to the motel. Once they entered, it looked like a train wreck. There were rats running around. The stairs looked all beaten up with a few nails sticking out of it. The front desk guy was knocked out. Poppy started to feel uneasy. They walked through the motel walking slowly towards the stairs trying not to wake up then guy. As they walked up the stairs they saw that most of the doors to the rooms were broken with batted locks and missing doorknobs. They were able to find a room with a door that was in good working condition. They went into the room. It looked like the same room Poppy once stayed in. The bed on the left with a dressing table below a window in the middle, a closet and a desk. The room looked a little messed up but wasn't that bad. Misty closes the door behind them.

Misty: "We'll just stay here for the night. We'll leave early in the morning."

Poppy: "Okay."

Poppy had already finished her bread and was looking down at her feet. But not in sadness.

Misty: "What's wrong?"

Poppy: "I'm just thinking about that cat, Puss In Boots. His voice sounded so...familier. Like if I heard it before."

Misty: "What do you mean?"

Poppy: "Before I ran away from that orphanage, I had a dream where I heard someone's voice reassuring me. I never heard that voice before or didn't think much of it, but when I heard Puss's voice, I'm now skeptical."

Misty: "Try not to think about it too much. Maybe it was a coincidence."

Poppy: "Maybe, but it feels so much more than that. I'll leave it alone for now."

Misty: "Good. Let's focus on what's important now."

Poppy: "Okay."

It was getting late as the sun started to set, Poppy and Misty's footprints were started to blow away into the sand. It was making it hard for Puss to follow them.

Puss: "I should hurry. If their tracks fade away, I'll lose them."

As he rode his horse a group of three thrives come up in front of his horse causing the horse to stop.

Thief 1: "Gives us everything you got, or else."

Puss: "Or else what?"

Thief 1: "Well, I honestly wasn't expecting to come this far. I don't really know."

Puss: "Are you kidding me right now? I don't have time for this. I would take you guys down, but I have some kittens that I must find."

Puss tries to stir his horse around the thrives, but they cut in front of him again.

Thief 2: "You're still not going anywhere until we get what we want."

Puss: *sighs*

Puss jumps off his horse and pulls out his sword. He then points it at the thrives ready to fight. He then takes the first charge at the thieves. And it only took him a minute to take them all down. Once he did so, he jumps back on his horse and continues his journey to find the kittens. Meanwhile, Misty was sitting on the dressing table looking out the window to keep watch to see if Puss might be around. Poppy looks at her with concern.

Poppy: "Misty, maybe you should some in bed with me and sleep."

Misty: "Can't. I have to keep watch just in case that Puss fellow is around."

Poppy: "You're not planning on staying up all night, are you?"

Misty: "I will if I have too."

Poppy: "Misty, you need to rest too, you know. He doesn't even know where we are. I think we're safe for now. Please come to bed. I'm worried about you."

Misty looks down and then looks at Poppy. She then agrees to come into bed with her and did so. Poppy and Misty look at each other.

Misty: "You happy now?"

Poppy: Yes."

Poppy then hugs Misty. Misty felt like pushing away but decided not too. In fact, she felt warm inside. She's never felt loved ever since she ran away. She then hugs back and the two girls fall asleep in each other's embrace. Puss, on the other hand, had made it to where the tracks lead. The tracks then disappear into the wind and Puss looks up at the messed up Motel. Once he went up to the front door, he jumps off his horse and enters the motel. He gets uneasy looking at the broken place. He finally makes it to the front desk.

Puss: (whistle) Hey! Wake up!"

Front Desk Guy 2: "Ah! What?"

The guy looks down.

Front Desk Guy 2: "Puss In Boots? What are you doing here?"

Puss: "I wanted to know if you have seen two little kittens walk in here. One was orange and the other black with a bit of white on her."

Front Desk Guy 2: "Mmmh, no. I was asleep. I didn't see anyone come in."

Puss: "Hmm..."

Puss looks around the place.

Puss: "Mind if I check the place to see?"

Front Desk Guy 2: "Sure, good ahead."

The guy falls back asleep resting his back on the table. Puss then starts his search by going towards the stairs. He walks up the stairs and once he makes it to the top he tries his best to stay quiet just in case. He looks in most of the rooms with broken doors, but couldn't find the kittens in them. He then comes across one room with a door that was in working condition. He quietly opens it and looks inside. He could use the kittens sleeping soundly On the bed.

Puss: (whispers) "I have you now, kittens."

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