Separated Again

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Poppy makes her way outside of the orphanage where she meets Misty sitting on the porch. Misty still had her head down and was very quiet. Poppy then walks up to her and sits down by her side. There was a brief silence until Misty said something.

Misty: "All my life I always thought I was an orphan. That I had no one else. And then you showed up. And now, I find out we're related."

Poppy: "Isn't it great? I can't believe we're sisters."

Misty: "It's great for you. But I don't share the same opinion."

Poppy: "Huh? Why not?"

Misty: "I mean, what I can't seem to understand is that our own dad separated us and abandoned us when he could have kept us together. He could have taken care of us even though mom died but chose to leave us behind."

Poppy: "Well, as dad said, he lost mom and he didn't think he could take care of us."

Misty: "He never gave us an explanation as to why he separated us. His reason that he hoped we'll find each doesn't explain anything."

Poppy: "Misty, what is this about?"

Misty: "I can never see him as my dad, Poppy. A father is someone who's always there for you, not someone that abandons you. If you see him as your dad, then fine that's you."

Poppy: "Misty, don't say that. Of course, he's our dad. He loves us and he promises to be in our lives more."

Misty: "Yeah, to be in your life. But I'm not gonna be part of his. I don't want to be with a father who abandoned me. And I don't really see you as a sister."

Poppy: (gasps) "Misty...why?"

Misty: "Well, I actually take things seriously and you just play around. You're so energetic and annoying. How could I see you like my sister? Let alone a twin. We're just entirely different kittens."

Poppy says nothing and holds her head as tears pour down her face. Misty looks at Poppy and then realizes what she had done.

Misty: "Wait, Poppy, I didn't mean it like that, I-

Poppy: (whispers) "Leave then."

Misty: "What?"

Poppy holds her head up and looks at Misty with anger in her face.

Poppy: "I said leave. If I'm so annoying to you, why are you even still here?"

Poppy turns her head away. Misty could say nothing.

Poppy: "I was happy when I found out we were sisters. I was happy to finally meet my dad for the first time. Yeah, he abandoned us and separated us, but he did it out of pain. He did it because he didn't think he could give us a good life. He did all of it because he wanted to give us an adventure. He did it because he loved us. And I love him for that."

Misty: "Did he tell you all that?"

Poppy: "No, but it's what I believe. And I also believe that he will stay in my life for now on. And if that's not good enough for you, then you don't deserve to have such a caring family."

Misty gives a gasp. Poppy gets up from where she was sitting and without looking at Misty once, she makes her way back inside the orphanage. Misty then looks down at her feet in sadness. She didn't mean what she said. She was just a little angry inside. And it was hard to take all of this information in. She felt ashamed, so she gets up from the porch and she runs away trying to get far from the orphanage as possible. Meanwhile, back in the orphanage Poppy runs into her fully, Tomo. She becomes very much surprised at seeing him. He had bandages on his face, his noses, and over his left eye.

Tomo: "Hello, Poppy."

Poppy: "Hey, Tomo. I um...uhh-

Tomo: "You don't have to say anything. It was my fault. I treated you so badly and you didn't deserve it. When I saw you run away, I then realized how hurt you were at that moment. I deserve what you did to me for being a jerk. I'm sorry."

Poppy: " It's alright, I forgive you. I'm sorry for scratching your face up like that. I should have controlled myself, but I was just so angry. But I guess that's not much of an excuse, is it?"

Tomo: "I guess, but I still deserved it though."

Poppy and Tomo then give each other a nice warm smile.

Tomo: "So, Puss in Boots your dad, huh?"

Poppy: "Yeah, I even have a twin sister, but she's not here."

Tomo: "Oh, where is she?"

Poppy: "It doesn't matter, she doesn't appreciate her family and I'm not gonna force her too. All that matters is that I have a family, which probably means I'm not gonna be around here as much."

Tomo: "Oh, I see."

Poppy: "But I'll try to visit here most of the time. I am gonna miss this place a lot. It's where I grew up."

Tomo: "I understand. I hope you have safe travel."

Poppy: "See you around, Tomo."

Meanwhile back with Misty, she had gotten tired and made her way into a dark alleyway. She then drops to her knees and started to cry out. She was all alone once again.

Misty: (sobbed) "Oh, Poppy. I'm so sorry."

As Misty talked to herself sobbing, she then hears a few voices. They were familiar voices, so she wipes her tears away and gets up from her knees. She then walks over to the way she came from and started to peek from behind a building. She then sees some familiar people. They were the thieves that had almost tried to kill Puss. There were about 5 of them and they were with a man Misty did not recognize.

Mysterious Man: "Search the entire area. That cat must be around here somewhere."

Misty: (whispered) "Cat? What cat? Could they mean Puss?"

One of the thieves turns around to see Misty spying on them. He then points his sword at her and yells.

Theft 2: "Hey! There's one of the kittens that we're with Puss In Boots!"

The rest of them turn to look at her.

Misty: "Uh-oh!"

Mysterious Man: "Get her! She might know where he is!"

When she heard that, Misty then turns herself around and then starts to run away. The thieves then start to chase her down.

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