Chapter 1: A Devastated Prince

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Blankets of pure and frosty white snow covered the once grassy terrain of the town home to many happy families. Though they were frosty and ice cold on the outside, inside children cheered in chants of joy. Parents watched silently with smiles slowly forming on their faces. Families shared warm meals and feasts with welcoming laughter that filled every room throughout their homes with a feeling of inexpressible charm and delight. Those were most families, except for possibly one household where one in particular Saiyan’s family resided. 



“Hey, what is up with you today?! You haven’t even touched your food, and I for one KNOW that you would’ve WOLFED this down without me having to remind you specifically! You haven’t even spoke a single word since this morning! It’s the holiday season now for god's sake! If you wanted to go huff and puff all day about your ‘Saiyan pride’ you could’ve chose a different day!"

"We're SUPPOSED to spend time with our loved one’s and family, Vegeta. Yet, you haven’t even done a SINGLE THING to try and spend ANY quality time with us! Oh, I GET IT. Because you’re the ‘Prince of All Saiyans’ you have to have everything your way. Well, NO sir! Go apologize to your family RIGHT NOW!”

Bulma’s icy blue eyes stared at the Prince’s who were looking blankly at a wall standing by him. Tapping his gloved index finger on his folded arm, he appeared to be clearly distracted. Furthermore enraged, her eyelid twitched as she growled at her husband and screamed at the top of her lungs


Vegeta growled and threw his signature “HMPH.” at her as he strided down the hallway slamming the door to the gravity room behind him with a loud click. The genius inventor sighed and blinked her eyes. She twisted a lock of her cascading aquamarine strands of hair and placed it behind her ear quietly mumbling a few words to herself before flipping around and walking away. 

Eyes narrowed towards the cold steel floor, Vegeta repeatedly grinded his fists into one of the walls of the Gravity Chamber creating loud and crisp bangs that could be heard for miles around. The device in the middle of the room beeped loudly illuminating a set of blue numbers that read ‘500 G’. He scowled and rose himself off the ground.

Energy began to flow around and throughout his body rapidly creating sparks of energy blasts around him. The prince grunted and clenched his fists causing the energy flow around and inside him to express itself at tremendous speed.

He then bellowed out and brought his arms down to his sides now straining his fists even harder. His veins pulsed growing more apparent by the second when suddenly, the energy around him exploded into a rush of blue ki that surrounded him. His eyes then faded into a royal color as his Jet-Black strands of hair one by one turned Navy mimicking his godly aura.

He panted heavily lowering himself to the floor making a light thud noise while he stepped a few feet in front tapping his Saiyan armor on the steel pathway. He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. Positioning his hands in front of his chest, he straightened his arms and folded his knuckles leaving his palms wide open.

“Galick… GUN!!!” Vegeta yelled.

A bright and wide energy beam formed and blasted out of his palms. He turned around facing the bright energy beam that was heading straight for him and opened up his chest straightening his arms out wide leading it straight into himself.

The Saiyan Prince screamed in torment as the ki blast crashed into his abdomen causing his limbs to spasm. He fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air reaching his arm towards the gravity controls. Unable to reach it, Vegeta helplessly limped onto the smooth pavement scraping his fingers on the metal.

“Damn it! Why… can’t I just…”

He started struggling to bottle up his pain inside.


He closed his eyes feeling a sudden wetness on his cheeks and relaxed his head onto the ground still holding onto his pride.


Salty tears began to stream down his face sliding onto the floor. Prince Vegeta silently lamented shedding tears yet making no sound. For he was broken, yet no one would know. 

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