Chapter 5: A Confession in the Making

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Author's Note: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Please enjoy this new chapter!


"I- I, think I like Trunks."

Goten looked down at the ground. He could almost feel his father's eyes piercing through him. He knew that no one would accept him now. He knew that his dad would never forgive him again. He knew that his life was over. Or at least he thought that he knew.

"Man, how did I not notice that yet? You guys always seem so happy together, like two peas in a pod!" Goku said smiling brightly, chuckling.

What was his father doing? Was he that much of an idiot to not understand what he was talking about, or was he mocking him? No. He would never do that to his son. Then why...

"Look. I'm just starting to learn about this 'like' and 'love' thing too, so don't feel like you're all alone here son."

He patted his son's shoulder and ruffled his hair.

"We're in this together. If you like Trunks, then go get him! There's just one thing though..."

Goten tilted his head to the side and studied his father's expression. Sweat dribbled down Goku's forehead, and his face was turning a little bit pink.

"Is it that you like Vegeta?" Goten asked.

Goku froze. His brain was going haywire. It was like he couldn't come to a conclusion on one thought or the next. If he tried to speak, nothing came out of his mouth. He gulped.

"W-well, you see, I was going to ask one of you guys about it because I wasn't exactly sure what I was feeling."

"Sometimes he makes me feel really happy, while at other times, my heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest! I just keep wanting to touch him for some reason."

Goten tapped his chin and stared intently at the ground for a few moments. He looked back up with his innocent eyes.

"On a scale of one to ten, about how much does your heart race around Vegeta, dad?" he asked his father.


Goku began to count with his fingers. He scratched his head.

"Race? It doesn't run marathons or anything, but I feel it beat a lot faster around him."

Goten's eyes widened slightly. Could his father feel romantic feelings toward the only other full blooded Saiyan on the planet? The idea was becoming more and more possible with each growing second.

"It also kinda feels bad when I see him with Bulma. I want to push her away, but that's mean."

The demi-saiyan was now almost one hundred percent convinced that his and Trunks's fathers were in love with each other. All of the evidence pointed towards it. All that he had to do now was tell Trunks, and they would begin their secret plan to set up their dads.

"Dad." Goten said.

Goku looked down at his son and tilted his head to the side.

"Yes?" replied the older Saiyan.

"I'm pretty sure that you like Vegeta more than a friend." the boy stated.

Goku's face went completely red. He began to laugh hysterically and scratch the back of his head again.

"W-what do you mean?" Goku asked.

"I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about. You really like him. You might even be in love with him, dad."

Goten studied his father's face. It look like he thought he knew what he was talking about, yet he needed to confirm his thoughts.

"Let me rephrase that. You are in love with Vegeta."

Goku felt the heat rush to his face once again. It was a strange sensation. The mere thought of Vegeta sent chills down his spine and embarrassed him slightly, but at the same time, he wanted to act on impulse. His desires were getting the best of him for once. The adult Saiyan finally came to a conclusion. He was going to confess. Goku stood up and smiled at his son.

"Thanks, Goten. I think I know what I need to do now." he said.

Just as he pulled his fingers up to his forehead searching for his prince's energy, Goten called out one last time.

"Hey, dad?"

Goku paused.


"Did you ever really feel the same way about mom?"

He paused and thought for a few seconds. It wasn't really the same. He did love Chichi, but it was in a different way. He could never see himself doing the same things he fantasized about with Vegeta, but he did care and have some sort of bond with her. It was hard to explain.

"I don't really know, Goten. My love for her is kinda different than my love for Vegeta."

Goten smiled and nodded.

"Hmm, alright. That means that you're probably gay."

Suddenly, everything began to fall into place. What Vegeta had said the day before had made his head twist and spin around in circles, but now, he actually had an idea of what he meant.

"Oh, I get it now! Thanks! See you around!"

He waved to his son and placed his fingers back where they were on his head. Boom! There it was, Vegeta's ki! He locked on to it and focused. Then, in a flash, he was gone.

Just Saiyan: Are You Sure That We're Just Rivals? (Goku x Vegeta)Where stories live. Discover now