Chapter 3: The Exposure

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Today was a beautiful day. White fluffy clouds danced in the baby blue atmosphere of the planet home to Humans (and Saiyans few in number). Bright sunlight illuminated throughout Vegeta's bedroom and shined right onto his face. It was almost as if the sun smiled down onto him telling him 'Hey! Today's going to be a great day! Wake up!'. The Prince yawned and stretched his arms out. Slowly opening his eyes he murmured

"Mmm... Kakarot I lo... NOPE NOT GAY!" he yelled flustered.

He looked around his room and almost let out a sigh before he spotted a set of small blue eyes watching him. He heard a snicker. Slowly getting out of bed, he walked around the bed frame and saw a child with lavender hair standing in front of him struggling to stifle a laugh.

"What are you laughing at Trunks?" Vegeta asked more seriously. Trunks snickered again. This ticked off Vegeta, so he asked again "Trunks. What the heck are you laughing at?!"

Trunks cleared his throat as Future Trunks walked into the room his cheeks blushing rosemary.

"Alright, WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE YOU TWO?! CUT THE CRAP!!!" Vegeta yelled now furious.

Trunks looked up at his future self and said folding his arms.

"Well, I'm not going to tell him."

Future Trunks then cleared his throat.



Their father impatiently tapped his finger on his now folded arm.

"Well, tosan, last night you were talking out loud in your sleep and..."

Future Trunks trailed off blushing really hard. Trunks couldn't hold it anymore as he began hysterically laughing and imitating his father.

"NOT GAY! NOPE! NOT GAY! Kakarot, you baka. I lo- NOT GAY!!!"

Both Trunks began laughing in unison. Vegeta's face reddened surpassing even a deep crimson blush. He was again cherry red.

"By the way, don't think mom didn't find out about it either. She practically passed out hearing you say that! She ships you two though now. What's even better I found out dad is GA-"

Trunks got cut off by his father who was now ready to punch him through a wall.


Vegeta practically screamed at both the Trunks's before cooling down the slightest bit.

"By the way Trunks, don't think I don't know about that crush you have on Goten." he smirked.

Trunks looked at his future self blushing deep red in dire need of help.

"Don't ask me. Goten wasn't born in my timeline."

His future self stated quickly turning to face the wall. He crossed his arms thinking 'but someone else was.' as his face flushed scarlet as well. Vegeta raised an eyebrow at his future son, but then began to smirk again.

"Oh, I see. You liked the other one of Kakarot's offspring, Gohan."

Future Trunks snapped around glaring at his father and whined "OTOSAN!". The Saiyan Prince threw another signature "Hmph." at his sons and grinned folding his arms.

"I'm just glad that you both are alphas." he replied plainly with a glint in his eyes. His son(s) both looked at each other in confusion before Vegeta placed a hand on Trunks's shoulder.

"Go for it." he said before shortly strolling away leaving two confused sons behind.

Prince Vegeta strode down the hallways of Capsule Corp, his feet sliding on the smooth and glossy flooring provided. He stopped in his tracks. A sweet aroma wafted through the crisp air of his so-called home reaching him in attempt to tease his nose. He sniffed the air taking in all the delicious scents of breakfast. There was toast, jam, peanut butter, and a considerable amount of buttermilk pancakes sitting at the dining table waiting to be devoured at some point in time. Unable to hold back anymore, Vegeta sprinted down the hallways in search of the dining room. He immediately halted when his eye pupils caught sight of the scrumptious food that awaited him. 'Target acquired.' he said in his head smirking before shortly devouring the food in front of him.

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